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It ends up, Louis is gonna crash with Harry for the night. And by crash I mean literally crash. He always starts as a happy/silly drunk, but as he grows more tired- he grows angry/grumpy. Or he has these special cases (if something is really bothering him) he acts like a spoiled child. Like a pouty annoying baby. Not that all babies are annoying, just Louis.


"Louis, you need to unbuckle and come inside."


I sighed as my teeth chattered through the November breeze. "Here," Harry muttered kindly as he took off his blazer an put it around me.

"No, I'm not cold," I lied, I feel bad. It's freezing outside I don't want him to be cold.

"Shudup, I'm fine, don't worry." He kissed my forehead before going back to dealing with Lou. "Louis, come on. We need to go inside. It's past your bedtime, you'll be better in the morning."


"Fine. You know what, were gonna go inside. You can stay here by yourself." I grabbed Harry's bicep, very nice by the way, and pulled him toward the front door of his house. And as Harry finished unlocking his from door we hear Louis running toward us,"No! No! I don't wanna stay out here alone!" Louis jumped out of the car and ran through Harry's front door.

"See, always works." He smiled down at me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"Mmhmm," he hummed in reply before placing his lips on mine. We were kissing for a good two minutes before we were interrupted.

Crash "Agh!"

"I'll go get him," he mumbled.

"I'll make him a snack and a place for him to lay in the living room." I smiled, pecking his lips one more time before walking off in the direction of the kitchen. I heard him huff behind me and stalk up the stairs.

"Louis, whatever you broke better not be anything important!"

I got out some crackers, a plate, an apple, an apple cutter, a glass, and the carton of milk.

I set a few crackers on the plate and than poured some milk in the glass. I then put the glass of milk in the microwave, I always used to do this for my brother and heated it for 5 seconds. I than cut up the apple and set it on the plate, before taking everything to the living room.

After setting it down I went to the linen closet and took out an extra bed set. I laid it all out on the couch, and finished right before Harry came out, alone.

"He fell asleep." he sighed and sat on the couch, on top of the blankets I set out.

"What do you mean?" I sat next to him.

"I mean; he fell asleep. In my bed."

"Oh," he nodded and halfway laid down, so his feet were still in the floor but his torso was leant over into a lying position on the armrest of the couch. He gestured for me to come closer to him, so I crawled up so my head was on the armrest and my lower back was draped over his lap.

"Goodnight." he kissed my forehead gently and I wrapped my arms around him.



"Do you ever get the feeling your being watched, by a giant elephant?" Why the bloody hell does he leave the tele blasting?

"Harry," My voice was hoarse and quiet from just waking up. "Turn it down," I felt the couch dip beside me, before a groggy groan was let out and a familiar hand was laid on my waist.

"What's that racket, baby? Turn it off." I sat up and shrugged his arm off.

"I don't know what it is either," I stood and followed the voices, I ended in Harry's bedroom. "What the bloody hell, Louis?" I, almost literally, stomped over to the tele set and shut it off.

"Hey! I was watching that!"

"Shouldn't you have a major hang over, or something?"

"Or something.." He mumbled, sitting up on the bed. "Did I wake you?"

I don't know what it was, but something about his facial expression gave me somewhat of a change of heart, I wasn't really angry anymore. "Yes, but I needed to get up anyway." I walked over to the bed and sat next to him. "Why won't you go home Louis?"

He simply shrugged, "I don't know, really." He sighed soon after, "I just... everything reminds me of her. It sucks."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two?"

"No, your fine. It was my fault. I'm sure, in some way." He sighed. "She just said she's sick of us. Of me."

I scoffed and stood. "That's it?"

He shrugged in reply, his head falling into his hands.

"What a bitch." I laughed, he looked to me with wide eyes.

He smiled lightly, "What?"

"Well, fuck her. She's a bloody slag if I ever saw one."

"Hey, don't talk about her like that."

"How else am I to talk about her? That wasn't right, at all. She can't just kick you to the curb cause she's bored of you."

"I'm sure that's not how she meant it."

"Yeah, I'm sure," I shook my head, "you in the mood for ice cream?"

"Of course."


"Hey, Louis, how have you been doing since the break up?!"

"Did you cheat on her, Louis?!"

"Are you and Harry finally coming out of the closet?!"

I sighed in relief once the shouts were muffled and we made it inside the ice cream shop.

"Hello, welcome to Ice Cream and Cakes. How may I help you?"

"Hello, can I have a one scoop of mint and chip ice cream on a waffle come, please?" I smiled pulling out my credit card. "What would you like Louis?"

He walked up next to me, "Can I have two scoops of cookies 'n cream on a waffle cone, please?" He knocked my card off the counter and handed the lady his. I rolled my eyes, bending down and picking it up. "Thank you," He smiled at the woman, taking both cones and holding mine in front of me to take while beginning to lick his.

I sighed and took mine, "Thanks, I guess."

"Your welcome," Marco opened the door for us and held on to mine and Louis' shoulders as we walked back through the crowd of paps and fans.

"Are you tossing Harry's girlfriend, Louis?!"

"Are you leaving the band, Louis?!"

"How do you feel about Eleanor moving on quickly?!"

Once we got in the van Peter and buckled Peter looked in the rear view mirror, "Where to, Louis?"

Louis looked at me silently before answering, "Home."

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