Meeting him again

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     My mind was going at 100 mph when he turned and met eyes with me. He had to have been the most gorgeous guy I had ever laid eyes on. I probably looked like an idiot staring at him, but I just couldn't snap out of it. He smiled at me and I shyly smiled back.

     He continued his journey to town from what I could see. I checked my pockets to check if I had my phone and wallet before continuing my walk to the library in town. Throughout my walk, I started to think about my life now that my grandpa is gone and how different family reunions will be from now on. Memories of my grandpa and I tending his garden came to me.


     "Grandpa, what do you do with the weeds?"

     "You put them in a bag and then you take them to the rabbits in the back, sweetie."

     "Oh, and Grandpa?"


     "You are the best grandpa in the world!"

     He laughed and scooped me up in a big bear hug.


     I didn't notice I was crying until I ran into someone. They asked if I was okay and it was as if the dam inside me was broken. I started sobbing and the stranger just stood there, not knowing what to do. I noticed how uncomfortable the stranger was getting so I just nodded, saying I was okay, and started my way to the library again.

     "I need to get a hold of myself," I thought to myself.

     I had just found the library sign when I saw that a new café was open. I usually don't go anywhere near a café because I am just not a girl that will want to sit there drinking coffee alone.

     I just shrugged and went inside the library. The smell of new books and dust hit me as I was walking towards the book shelves. I ran my finger over books on display and was really happy that I would get to read most of them this summer. A lot of the titles were unfamiliar and the bookworm in me was jumping up and down in excitement. I picked up 5 books before I decided to go check out the new café.

    The sound of soft classical music hit my ears as I entered. Everyone turned to look at me, and some people greeted me. I nodded in acknowledgement before sitting down in a table next to the windows. I put my books down and was going to open one before I was interrupted. The same boy who I has seen that morning was standing in front of me.

    "Hi, my name is Ash."

    "Alexandria, but you can call me Alex," I said back.

    He smiled and I began to think of how beautiful his smile looked like. I shyly smiled back and looked down to my book. I started to fiddle with the edge of my sleeve and he noticed how shy I was.

    "You sure got shy from the last time I saw you," he said fondly. That struck me as odd because I don't quite remember meeting him before. Just as I was going to ask him what he meant, I heard a girl's voice from behind him, calling him over. I tried not to show my disappointment on my face and turned to read my book. The rest of the day went by fast since I was busy reading the new books I got that day, but I still couldn't get what he said out of my mind. "You sure got shy from the last time I saw you."

    I was in my bedroom when I remembered about the photo album I had stored away last year. I quickly went to find it in my closet and just as I turned to the first picture, he came back to me.


    "Alex," Ash began, "what did you do this time?"

    I began to fidget in place and said in my quietest voice, "nothing."

    "I know that tone of voice. What did you do?"

    "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it! I just wasn't thinking at the time!" I said in my guiltiest voice at him.

    "What do you mean?" he said, cautious of what was to come.

    "I lost......."


    I looked through the box that held my most precious moments from here and found what I had lost that day. His "good luck" necklace. He always wore it everywhere and would always freak out if he wasn't wearing it.  I held it between both of my hands and resolved myself to give it back to him tomorrow. If only I had known what was to happen.

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