"Aaaa I see", I say crossing my hands. "So if you're the handsome one and Carlos is the funniest one then who's the smart one and the leader of this friend group".

"I'm the leader one", says Kendall all proud.

"I was right then", I say pointing to Kendall. "You do look like a leader ".

"Why thank you", he says bowing.

"And you're the smart one", I say to the quite one whos name is Logan.

"Sadly yes", he says with that adorable smile. "I'm Logan Henderson".

I just laugh and say ," You're funny and I thought Carlos was the funny one. I guess not".

"Hey, Hey, Hey,  I am the only one who is funny everyday. They're only funny when they want to be", Carlos says acting as an 8 year old.

"I'm just kicking Carlos,  of course you're the funniest one", I say to him as i whisper to the others "not". They just laughed.

"Okay,  now that we've introduced ourselves to you and you to us, we invite you and Nicole to have lunch with us since it's your first time here in L.A", says Kendall to us.

"Correct and we would love to join you guys", I heard Nicole say.

"Okay lets go", they all say in usion.

(At Hometown Restaurant)

We entered the restaurant, took our seat, and then the waitress came to take our order. We sat like this (Carlos next to James next to Kendall next to Nicole next to Me and Me next to Logan).

"Hello welcome to Hometown
Restaurant, are you ready to order",the waitress with red hair asked us.

"Yes we are",Kendall responded.

"OK,what can I get you guys?"she asked as she got her notepad and pen out ready to write down are orders.

"Give me a hamburger with fries no onions please ",Kendall said.

"I'll have the chicken salad, thank you",Nicole said.

"Give me some enchiladas, thanks",Carlos said.

" I'll have the same as Carlos thank you",James said.

And then it was my turn to order, "I'll have a hamburger with everything, but no onions or ketchup thank you Ms."

"And you sir",the waitress asked Logan.

"I'll have the same as this beautiful lady thank you very much",said Logan and that made me blush a little.

"OK and drinks?", she asked after writing our order down.

Kendall got Coca cola, Nicole got a diet coke,Carlos and James both got sprite and Me and Logan got lemonade.

Then after that the lady said she'll be right back with our drinks and orders.

When she left the guys looked at me with surprise looks.

"What I like to eat a lot", I say as they just laughed.

"So Caroline, where you from?" Asked Carlos.

"I'm from Florida, born in Texas, but live in Florida", I say.

"What do you like to do for fun?" asked James.

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