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I'm not sure if anyone who enjoys this book has seen one of my latest status updates I made about moving to AO3?! If you haven't here's the low down.

I'm really wanting to move to AO3 as I'm losing my muse for Wattpad completely and haven't got any friends anymore due to my lack of consistent activity here 😅😭 sorry btw life has just been kicking my ass in the last 2½ years and it's been rough af for me.

I also discovered that I can't use pictures on AO3 that I CAN'T use pictures there the way I can watty which is a feature I greatly appreciate a lot and will miss if I leave Wattpad entirely so I wanted to get feedback for this particular book.


continue this book exclusively on wattpad only


should I discontinue this book and mark it completed

I really won't redo this in AO3 as the lack of pictures defeats the whole purpose of it

let me know in the comments!

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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Countess Cleo MemesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora