Cute text messages

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                                          Hello! What's up?
So wyd?
                                          Nothing, reading. Wbu?
What are you reading?
Also I am laying in bed.
                                   I am reading this book about a       
                                    Never mind you wouldn't like it.
                                    Also why are you still in bed?!
                                    Lazy bum!
What, no tell me! Also
I just feel tired.
So I'm still in bed.
Yes, being lazy.
                                   Haha it's a romance. Also why
                                   don't you just take a nap?
Why wouldn't I like a
Romance?! Also because
Then I couldn't talk to you..
                                  Aww, but if you're tired. GO TO
No! Talking to you is
Better. Also answer me!
Why wouldn't I like romance?
                                     Hmm fine I will let it slide this
                                    time. You got lucky. Also just..
                                    Do you like romance?!
Thank you 'master'.
Also I do. I think mine and
Your romance is great.
What did I say something
Wrong? But seriously I
Don't mind romance. I
like hearing you talk about
the stories you read.
                                         Um "our romance"? Or was
                                         That a joke? Also I don't
                                          want to annoy you!
How would you annoy
me?! Also It's not a joke.
                                          So we have romance?!
                                          Well annoy you by taking so
                                          much about a book you
Like I said I like hearing
you talk about the stuff you
like. Also stop asking so
much about our romance.
You are embarrassing me.
                                            Why do you like hearing
                                             me talk about stuff I like?
                                             What?! YOU GET 
Because I like how excited
you get. It's cute. Also yes!
Why is that so hard to believe?
                                            Now look at you!
                                            embarrassing me! Also
                                            why do you get
Well I don't really care how
anyone sees me.
                                           I know.
Except for you. I really
care about how you see
me. So of course I get
                                          Why do you care?
You don't know?
                                          No! That's why I'm asking.
Well because I like you
dummy. Why else?
                                         How was I supposed to know
                                         you like me??
I thought I made it pretty
                                       No! I thought you are just like
                                       that with everyone. Also I'm    
                                       sure I make it obvious.
Make what obvious??
Also no! I don't really talk
to a lot of people.
                                      That I like you.
You do?!
                                       Yes, dummy!
Haha I can't believe that.
If this is too soon, tell me.
Actually I want to ask
this in person. Can we
hang out?
                                        Um okay? Where? When?
Right now? Can I pick
you up?
                                         Yes. Give me twenty
Okay! I'm sorry,are
you busy?  
                                        No! I just have to get ready.
                                        I want to look good for you!
Haha okay. I just wanted
you to say it. I'm sure
you look gorgeous right
now though.
                                       Stop. If I blush any more I
                                       might pass out.
We wouldn't want that.
I will leave in 20 minutes.
                                       Okay, I can't wait to see you.
Jeez, talking about

Couple goals. ImagineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora