A Black's Freedom

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"I have no idea." Altair said, motioning for the house elf who had appeared to stay still and going over to open the door himself, but as soon as he opened it he came face to face with a person he hadn't thought he'd ever see again. He threw all caution to the wind and tackled the person in a hug, tears flowing down his eyes as he held on to the person.

Everyone else was confused, as who could possibly be at the door that would elicit a reaction like that from the man that was normally calm and collected at all times. No one could hear the conversation that was happening between the two and couldn't see the person's face as it was hidden in Altair's shoulder. But as soon as he lifted his face and pulled away, every adult and some of the teenagers in the room gasped in shock. They snapped out of their gaping when they heard a choked sob and turned to see that Sirius was looking at the guest in shock with tears running down his face. He immediately ran over and grabbed him in a tight hug, hitting his back repeatedly but weakly in agony and rage.

The two whispered to each other quietly, the man seeming to be apologizing as he tightened his grip on Sirius.

"Who is he?" Harry quietly asked Lynette, who had moved to stand next to him and was watching what was happening with a satisfied smile on her face, her father stood next to her with the same expression and amusement twinkling in his bottle green eyes.

"That's Regulus Black, he's Sirius's younger brother that was thought to have died thirteen years ago." She explained patiently.

"Where was he then, if he wasn't dead?"

"He worked with my father." She said simply, knowing Harry would understand. And he did, nodding his head slightly. She had explained to him how her parents worked very secretive jobs that she wasn't allowed to tell anyone about.

"Where have you been?!" Sirius said, seeming to recover from the shock of finding his supposedly dead brother right in front of him, very much alive. His happiness at seeing Regulus had quickly turned to anger at making everyone believe he was dead.

"I've been working with Lord and Lady Ambrosius behind the scenes, I had to play dead for my safety, as the Dark Lord's followers would have killed me if they had found out I was alive and had betrayed him." Regulus explained quietly, straightening himself and coming to stand beside his brother and best friend. The two brothers looked quite similar, with grey eyes and raven hair, but there were some differences between the two. While Regulus had short wavy hair and a sharp, square jawline, Sirius had shoulder length straight hair and a more round jawline. Both had the purebloods' iconic sharp cheekbones, and the famous Black Family grey eyes that all the members had, but while Regulus's eyes were a lighter shade of grey that was almost silver, Sirius's eyes were a darker grey that was close to pewter. The two made an intimidating sight as they stood beside Altair Potter, who already looked aristocratic with Hazel, almost gold, eyes and the brunette hair that was streaked with blonde that he had inherited from his mother, Lady Dorea Black-Potter.

From then, the party flowed smoothly, with everyone getting to know each other or catching up on lost time. After dinner, everyone began to slowly leave. Regulus decided to leave with Owen Ambrosius, his superior and friend, and his daughter Lynette.

"Why'd you decide to reveal yourself now?" Owen asked Regulus, his arm around his daughter's shoulder as they left Potter Manor after a celebratory evening.

"I...felt it was time. I'd missed my brother and Altair too much for me to stay away longer than that. They're the only family I have left."

The father and daughter nodded in understanding, before Lynette piped up. "You have us too you know."

Regulus laughed at that, nodding his head in agreement. He put his arm around Lynette's other shoulder "Yeah, I guess I do."


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