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May 06, 12:28 am

I don't wanna go back to NY
What if I don't go back?
Just stay here for the rest of summer break?

won't your mom be mad?

Very much

and you're not going back?

I don't want to
Things are perfect right now
Really perfect
If I go back, everything will be ruined
I just know
Hindi ulit ako kakausapin ni Reece
She can't take long distance

what if you extended?
like another week?

My mom said if I do that
She's going to talk to Reece. Or her parents
I'd hate that even more
So I really have to go back
I just don't want to
Need ko lang mag-rant, nvm

it's fineee
where's reece anyway?

She's taking so long

miss mo na? hahaha



Shut up


I can't believe I'm leaving so soon
I don't wanna fucking go

kulit hahaha
you don't wanna go but you have to
two choices lang naman. just pick one.
it's not like you'll have trouble rebooking your ticket

I wish I could take Reece with me wherever I go
Para hindi ko siya nami-miss

you sound so lovesick hahaha

Did you feel this way
Or I mean, do you feel this way with your girlfriend now?

hmm i'm not sure
i like her but i don't think we're in love
if that makes sense
she's fun to be with is all

That's it?

oo? haha why

I've never felt that way about Reece
Anyway, she's out of the bathroom

okie go spend time with her



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