How much do you trust?

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(A/N:This story will change between people and will change between first person,second and third)

It was a Sunday morning no school nothing to do but today is a big day for Liv.

It was a sunny Sunday morning in Chicago which was really nice for once since I prefer snowy cold Chicago which just felt different.

My alarm went off as it does every morning at 9 am.

I grab my phone and turn off my alarm and get out of bed and check my daily schedule on my phone. "Oh nothing happening today I guess that's good"
I decide that it's a good day to have a shower and to get freshened up so I grab some comfy casual clothes and go take a hot steamy shower.

After I got into my comfy clothes I went downstairs and decided that today for my breakfast that I would go out and get something from the bakery to eat instead of just plain old cereal everyday.

I put my plain old black sneakers on since they are the only shoes I got sadly I don't have any money to buy any since I used all my mom's and dad's money up to buy food and stuff I needed also to pay the bills, since I don't really want to be living out in the middle of Chicago.

I got the Key's and my phone and put them in my jean pocket and opened the door and went walking to the bakery. The morning breeze was really nice and the sky was just gorgeous. The part of Chicago that I live in is never usually this nice at all I live in the I guess you could say the dark side of Chicago where all the gangs are and most murders are how lovely is that.

It doesn't help that I live on a house on my own neither which has only happened since my parents died I did live with my dad but then he passed as well which left me in my own with a social worker and getting told that I do in fact have two brothers which I totally forgot about since I've never really seen them.

I was round the corner from the bakery when I heard people screaming which I thought wasn't really anything bad since I hear that a lot around here so I just minded my own business and carried on walking until I heard the gun shots coming from no where. I saw people running so I followed them I was scared in the moment since nothing like this has ever happened before.

I kept running in the direction of everyone else praying that nothing would happen to anyone and that the cops would get here quick even thought everyone round here is supposed to hate cops since there all white jerks and just assholes.

As I was still running turns out it was the wrong spot at the wrong time all of a sudden I felt me shoulder jerk like it got pulled right away from my body and the pain hit my body like a rock. I fell to the floor and my face hit the side of the curb I wasn't too bothered about my face but my shoulder hurt really bad.

I was too scared too look but I did my shoulder was bleeding though my jumper and it looked like a lot of blood I felt sick to my stomach I always try to act tough but seeing blood just makes me feel like I'm going to faint ever time.

I decide to lay down as I hear all of the screaming of the civilians calm down till I can no longer hear them no more. I start to feel worse my head starts to hurt and my eyes start to go fuzzy and blurry making it really hard to see anything it's just all blobs of colours.

Then I start hearing sirens which I knew where the police and ambulances coming I knew I didn't want to get found by them what would they do to me, find my brothers and I have to live with them hell no they weren't even there for me most of my life.

I hold my shoulder so it slows the bleeding and start to sit up and get ready to go to the shops since I ran out of my first aid kits at home I knew I should of stocked up on them at home. I stand up and hold onto the wall for support as my eyes are still blurry but I know I will be fine soon the bullet would have gone through anyway and even if it didn't it wouldn't be that bad of a deal.

As I stand up I guess I stood up maybe a bit too quickly oops stupid me. But my eyes went black and my ears were ringing and next thing I know I was laying in the floor again and when I woke up there was someone talking to me.

"Hello can you hear me, your ok just speak to me" the stranger said to me loudly


Wait no I didn't cut my head it was only my shoulder and I'm fine. I started to get up slowly since I knew I needed to get out of here but before I could even lift my head up of the ground I got stopped by the stranger.

"No no keep your head still for me and tell me what's your name" The stranger said to me

"NO get off me I'm fine let me go" I shouted at him I think I scared him a bit

I forcefully removed his hand from me and I stood straight up, I got dizzy again but this time I managed to stay standing up.

"HEY CAN WE GET A MEDIC OVER HERE PLEASE" the stranger shouted


I started to walk away before he got my arms and put them behind my back which hurt like hell is this cop stupid or something.

"Oww that hurt" I said he didn't answer back

He dragged me straight to the ambulance honestly what an asshole I told you cops suck. When I got in the ambulance I don't remember much but I remember that same cop that put me in the ambulance stayed in there the whole freaking time which was Honestly terrible I don't want to go to an hospital.

"Take me home I refuse to go to the hospital" I said the the paramedic

"You can't sweetie I'm sorry now can I take your hood down please" she replied back

I nodded in response and she treated my head wound which contained a lot a blood and gauze.

When we got to the Chicago hospital it was really busy and really loud so much that it hurt my ears. I put my hands over my ears as I hear people shouting information at each other. Hospitals are so stressful. They transferred me to a bed and the doctor started asking me questions like what is my name and how old I am.

"Right kid how old are you" the ginger doctor asked

"Umm I'm fourteen" I replied

"Ok you know if your parents are available?" He asked

"Umm no there not" I said awkwardly

"Ok so do you know where they are" he asked clearly not ready for the response I was ready to give him

"Ummm well there dead" I answered which was very awkward especially when there is a nurse treating you at the same time.

"Ok is there anyone else that we can call" he asked

"Umm no no one really" I replied

"Right ok let's look at your shoulder then"

He helped me take my jacket off me which hurt a lot and let's say when I saw that jacket there was no way that I was ever going to wear that again.

The young Halstead حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن