Wait really??

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Its now the next day the last day in hospital or well I should say morning as I'm going home finally today which I am happy about but also sad since the nurses and doctors are so nice here.

"Hey are you ready to go today" Dr Halstead said as he came in the room

"Umm no I don't want to leave now" I laughed

"Yeah the nurses and doctors are really nice huh" he said clearly agreeing with me.

"Yeah I guess I better get changed ready to leave" I told him

"Yeah your clothes are just there at the side of the bed" Dr Halstead replied

He left and then I got my clothes that I got given and I went into the bathroom and got changed my own clothes are so much comfier then a stupid gown. I did have some struggle since my shoulder still hurt a lot.

I got changed and put the hospital gown on the chair so they can wash it nice and clean for someone else to use. I know the drill of hospital trips as always and that I was going to get a sling after this to make sure my shoulder doesn't get any more damaged and to make sure that it heals properly.

I knew that no one would come in my room for a while but I also had to wait for my key worker to come and sign the discharge papers for me to leave and go back home.
I decided to just go on my laptop and Start writing a new story since that's what I love doing it just makes me feel better like free therapy but better.

The door to my room opened and I saw that it was my key worker was there finally to take me back to my home I miss it so much and I would rather be by my own then anything else without people always checking up on me.

"Hey Olivia before I say this you might want to sit down" she said

I was wondering what it was that she was going to say hopefully nothing bad or that I couldn't go home since that's all I want to do.

"Umm ok" I sat down

"So I had a little chat with some people and they have decided that you can't go back to were you were living" she calmly said

Wait what I thought I'm really not allowed to go home all because of some tiny incident that I couldn't control ugh this day could not start off any worse.

"So we have found out that you actually have two brothers here in Chicago that can look after you" She told me

Wait I thought that I had no family I thought that i only had my mum and my dad which both died.

"Wait so when will I see them "I asked

"Well they can see you this afternoon so we will just take you to get some of your stuff and then you can go visit them" She replied

"Oh ok" I said

So I guess I actually have more family then I thought I guess now I know that I actually have someone and not nobody.

Time skip
So we got to the house since the doctors discharged me and all they said was to keep the sling on for a couple of weeks which is pretty easy to do.

We went inside my house it wasn't the cleanest but oh well it's only me that lives here.

"Ok so I will bring in some boxes and you can put some of your stuff in there" She told me

"Ok that's fine" I replied with a smile

We started packing some stuff up from my bedroom first the only reason we used boxes is since I have so much stuff and I will be living with this person who is my family so I would like to keep most of my stuff to put in the room.

We went into my room and we basically nearly packed everything that I had, which ended up feeling up two whole boxes which was a lot considering we only had four boxes.
I'm surprised, I even had that much stuff, since I don't really have much of my childhood on my teenagers since I just kind of messed around and I never really stayed in that house . And I've spent most my time in high school anyway all my friends, so I never really had the need to have so much stuff.

My key worker and then took the rest of the boxes that we packed and put them in her car. Since we only had one more box to pack and she said that she would wait for me anyway. The last box that I used was filled up with the rest of the clothes that I had and my best friend beary. He was a bear that I got given when I was little and he has a cute little army outfit on him which I never took off him.

After I finished packing the final box I brought it down to the car and put it in the trunk and shut it.
"Ok that's all of my stuff packed now" I told her

"Ok that's good so first we are going to meet your brothers at a coffee shop so that you can get used to them a bit before hand" she explained

"Ok that's cool I guess" I replied

For the rest of the car journey which felt like forever I was just on my phone the whole time texting my friends about what's happened and that they found me some family that is actually blood related to me.

"Ok not long now only ten minutes left"

"Ok that's good "I said

Its pretty boring in the car with nothing to do I would rather walk to be honest or go on a bike to get to places then a car. A bike is more exiting then just sitting in a moving vehicle having nothing to do.

"Ok we're here are you ready to meet them" She asked me

"I guess so let's go" I told her.

A:N-I'm sorry for not posting in so long trying to keep up with it now just had a lot of homework which has taken up most of my weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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