Angel girl: ok should I go now?

Vodka boy: yep I'm already next to your house he might see me.

Angel girl: ok going.

I left my phone and went downstairs to Germany to my sunrise he was watching some polish TV series. I went up to him and asked him.

Polska : Niemcy...

Niemcy: yes polen?

Polska : can you please make me some food I'm kinda hungry...

Niemcy: oh yeah sure.

Polska : also I'll be doing work in my room then just leave the food outside my room I'll eat it later.

Niemcy: of course polen

Polska : ok bye


I went upstairs and the first thing I did was quickly change my clothes and put the shoes on. I opened the window and texted Rosja.

Angel girl: ok the window is opened.

Vodka boy: ok I'm down here come down.

Angel girl: ok.

I put my phone I not my mini bag that I took and some snacks from my night stand too. I turned back and put something next to the window so it didn't close when I left. I looked down and saw Rosja. I jumped out of the window and he caught me by my waist. It was kinda embarrassing but he then let me down and I thanks him for not letting me die. We then had to quickly leave incase Niemcy started to walk back to the living room.

We started to run for a while and then we pasused and started to walk we decided to call Ame and tell him that I'm safe out of home. I feel like I'm doing something wrong and there is going to be a consequence after this but ehhh just my stupid self thinking about what would happen if...

Russia POV

Me and Pols'ha ran for a while and I then had to go grab Ukraine that was waiting outside next to the neighbor's house. I could see was already getting tiered so I decide to slow down and tell her we could walk instead in just happy that she made it out knowing that stupid Nanzi if he would find out Pols'ha would be in trouble but I don't think he will he is too much focused on himself as always he can't do anything with anyone he can't even work in a team during class too. Once I had a project to do with him and of course he had to do it himself and he didn't want us coming to his house not even talking to us. So I decided to let him be and do the work himself he always gets straight A's so I decided to slip of this time and lucky the teacher didn't suspect anything.

Suddenly pols'ha made me wake up to reality by calling my name.

Pols'ha: Hallo?? rosja!?? You alive!?? HELLO!!??

Russia: Oh sorry Pols'ha I was just deep on thoughts

Pols'ha: it's fine I just wanted to ask you where you we should meet Ame.

SHIT after all that I forgot that Ame was coming with us. I don't suaully forget about her since she is the person I adore the most but...

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