the good years

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4 years have past

Dawson and me used to get into fights about stupid shit and I hated it cause he was one of the only people I could truly trust and when we got into fights it would be a fist fight and he's a lot stronger then me he was also older and yea....
So one year we decided with our grandmother that we should come down for a week in the summer. And when we did ther is always this on faggot that we hung out with and he was like me brother I met him at least 5 years ago. Tyler wow good times dude but Dawson hated him and didn't want anything to do with Tyler and then guess what Tyler and Jessica started dating and he dumped her and that made Dawson and me mad and we shot Tyler with an airsoft pistol. Yes good times

the two cousinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora