Ch- His last breath -9

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9 years later after quitting the crew

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9 years later after quitting the crew

"Today we are rewarding valiant soldiers for their hard works, their bravery and the victories they managed to achieve. One in particular prove to us all, you can only succeed with a strong will. They, at only 21 years old, reaches the rank of Petty officier, at 23 years old the rank of lieutenant, and today, at only 28 years old they are promoted as Vice-admiral of the marine."

The crowd applaudes and cheers resound in the prize-giving.

"Not only did they succeed in their career but they succeed as a marine. Y/n, who earns the surname of reaper from their enemies, was the one to win against the devil himself, Gol. D. Roger, also know as the previous Pirates King and hand him to his death at 26 years old."

Gaps and applauds became more and more louder.

"And this day, it has been decided to promote Y/n as Vice-amiral"

Someone appears on the stage, steps slamming on the ground as they pass. A normal sized human, with H/l H/c and piercing E/c orbs, stands in the middle of the wooden floor. Their aura calms the excited crowd which was now scruting their every moves waiting for any kind of reaction from the 'women' they so much respect and admire.

"Y/n. I, as Amiral and as a friend will put on you this medal of honor which symbolize your achievement and your rank as Vice-Amiral."

Sengoku put the little medal on the caot all the marine share as symbole. Y/n looks into his eyes and nods before salutes and walks to the microphone.

They clears their throat and takes a breath.

"Dear comrades, I don't have many things to share. If you want to improves just believe in you. I'm here because I was gifted but it doesn't mean you have to be. Good day, I'm gonna take a nape and meet the rest of my squad later." They turns they back but didn't moove.

And just before going they looks over they shoulders and squints "And behave, I don't want to see troublesome childs running around will I'm resting."


The same scene was written in the journal under the name of 'Ex-lieutenant Y/n a new hope' and did a trip around the world reaching a now grow blondish in Spider Miles. A smile stretch his features before he tosses the newspaper in the fire and joins his brother.

"You are in a good mood." The leader of the infamous donquixote said as he observed the horizon a creepy smile playing on his face not knowing what the futur holds.

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