music beauty and the beast part 4

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It was 6 weeks since the Valentine mixer.
Trenton Savage and Tyree was still very close I was watching them together like a hawk I still didn't trust him I didn't question her nor did I let on that I was that jealous

Work continued Melody called a few times since Christmas just seeing how I was doing and a little after Valentine's Day to say Happy Valentine's Day she was still thinking about me and that she loved me I don't know how I feel about that because I love Tyray .

Tyray was always good about that she doesn't seem jealous at all but through it all one of us moved she didn't move she was still next door to Taylor Zane.

Who didn't tell my secret about Valentine's at all I was grateful.

I moved 3 days later inner building oh she thought of it I was upstairs the last vacant apartment I thought until Trenton walked into his right across from me imagine that Tyray didn't mention that at all I was pist but I was cool about it. I gave them both heavier set of work so I said when she complain for the first time I laughed under my breath and I said it serves you both right. Traitor I said.

It was 3 weeks she worked extra hard I laughed every day of it as they both dragged into home plates until her little test positive what do you mean you were taking the pills if so I said softly what's this positive plus four you know what it means music okay okay fix it you can't fix it without an abortion damn I was in trouble she was in trouble let me think I said oh macho I gave her 3 days off I was still thinking about it and she was getting bigger of course it was only 4 days later but she still was getting bigger to me.

By the seventh day she was giving me the evil eye.

I went to her apartment and set across from her looking at her what do you want music why did you take me off the schedule.

I'm still thinking I'm not that big I'm the same size no you're not your paranoid music your paranoid I'm not paranoid Tyray I'm thinking.

Well since you've given me so much time off I went to the doctors to do a double check and his results and she got up and left her own apartments. I read the results and went after her baby don't baby me she went upstairs to my apartment she was standing at my door why don't I have a key music oh boy I'm in trouble.

Look tyray I'm afraid that's our secret no one should know that so you going to keep me home from work because you're afraid of a secret.

Yes I answered all macho still. You can have a key I don't care about that I care about you.

Did you read the results I did so are you still afraid then don't tell me Tyray looked into my eyes that you're afraid.

I'm not afraid I'm  done I won't hold my breath. I am but I'm going to be a man about it.

Why do you have to be so loud is it because Trenton live next door.

He's at work remember the extra large load you gave us.

Oh yeah I forgot about that when can I go back to work music Tyray scold him.

As soon as we go to the doctor I just told you I've been to the doctor you have the results in your hand music that's not enough for me.

0k ok she said tomorrow we can go tomorrow I have my first doctors appointment.
I was going to go,
And not tell you anything for all those days you made me wait at home. But eventually I would have found out.

Okay okay come on in here before he gets off and here our business.

Tyray don't play right now.

We talked for a long time and then I just ended up spending the night at his place.

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