~》Bonus Chapter?《~

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"Don't go! After these advertisements, we will get back to the quiz," RandoEevee said, and the crew cut to commercial.

"Hey, why'd you cut to commercial?" asked Robin.

"I just need to check something on set... I'll be back."

"What could be more important than the show?" Chelsea contradicted.

RandoEevee sighed. "I'll be back soon."

RandoEevee exited swiftly, leaving the contestants to themselves.

"Geez," said Brody. "What's his problem?"

[RandoEevee (note, not my) POV]

I made sure to seem as dignified as possible as I left, but as soon as I was out of view, I ran for it.

I sprinted through the halls, to the restroom. I needed somewhere safe, and that would do.

I opened the door, in a cold sweat. I brought myself to the mirror, and stared at the reflection. What was I doing!?

I considered telling them. It would be easier that way-

Have you already forgotten?

Oh no.

Oh no no no no no.

"Why are you doing this to them!? To me!" I yelled. If anyone was outside that restroom, they would think I was insane.

He laughed. Entertainment! What else!?

"You're insane!"

Don't forget why you're here...

A chill went up my spine and I turned around, in spite of myself.

Don't forget why I created you...

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