Day -10?

8 1 1

8/12/22; 1:00pm

Ok so, I'm in the packing process as of right now, I haven't actually started school. But, I move in on the 15th and start classes on the 22nd, so soon enough to start this. I should document my experiences during move-in anyway, so I don't have too many issues starting this log early. I hope you don't have an issue with it either Zander, lmao.

Alright, to kind of recap what I've done so far. Packing, packing, packing. I hate it. I don't have any issues doing it, I just don't have great memories related to packing so it just sucks because once again I have to do it on a time crunch. Though, it's my fault this time since I procrastinated hard with it.

I think I only really need to pack my clothes and some of my blankets, then I should technically be done. All of my entertainment and valuable things have been packed already so that's done, granted those were the first things I packed, lol. 

So aside from packing, I said goodbye to my bestie (LOL "cousin") for the last time, ONLY TO HAVE TO SEE THEM AGAIN BECAUSE I ENDED UP STILL HAVING THEIR WALLET IN MY BAG. I'll be dropping it off at their work today, kinda awkward considering I try to avoid everyone at their workplaces since they're there to work, not socialize.

Being here at home with my parents has made it very clear why exactly I'm leaving. They have their good moments of course, but usually, it's just a suffocating atmosphere that makes you want to shrivel up and disappear more than half the time. 

Just realized that I ranted, oh well, this book can double as that anyway. I mean, it's basically just a digital wattpad diary. 

Currently, I'm procrastinating still, by working on this. I really need to do my laundry before my parents get home from work, or else they'll complain to me about using the washer and drier during the day. Actually, what're they gonna do? Ground me? Ok, that sounds very ignorant and arrogant of me. But it needs to be done anyway, so they'll kind of just have to deal with it since I'm not trying to stay up till the wee hours of the morning doing laundry.

Totally random and unrelated, I remember why I enjoy being on wattpad or just writing fics so much, it's literally just because I love the feeling of typing a lot of words at a time. Like it's just using the keyboard that's satisfying to me, and then seeing the like, flurry of words. If that makes any sense, it probably doesn't, this is just word vomit anyway.

Anyway, I will continue this after the second half of my day is finished. I realize after going through the other daily logs that I would write during the middle of the day without actually documenting the things that happened at the end. I would've thought that it would have been obvious that you wait to document things at the end of the day, but I guess not. Younger me was stupid like that. AGH, DAD'S HOME EARLY, I HEARD THE GARAGE DOOR, NO. (1:18pm)

(1:39 am) Bruh I got home like an hour ago... So my dad got home, then my mom got home and then my mom took me last-minute shopping for a couple of articles of clothing; I ended up getting three hoodies, two shirts, and a pair of pants. The hoodies are a vibe, oversized too, hehe. Then we ate and then we ended up visiting some family friends, specifically, my kindergarten best friend. Her father passed away from cancer not long ago, so we paid a visit to her mom and older brother. 

It's been like 10 years since I've seen her older brother but it was fun catching up and such, up until my mom and I left and she basically suggested I try getting into a relationship with the dude. LIKE, GIRL, THERE'S AN 8 YEAR AGE GAP THERE MA'AM... that's a case for the poor man.

But anyway, my old friend wasn't there, which is perfectly fine. I don't know how well we click anymore considering we grew apart a long while ago. She's generally always been present in my life all the way till now, but she's definitely not the crowd I choose to associate with.

I have to stay up doing some laundry to pack away, I won't have too much left to say the rest of the night. But, I have a few plans for tomorrow, my cousin should be coming over and then I have a party back at the old friend's place around 5. We'll see how mentally dead I am since my week is going to be devastatingly full for a while now.


Sebastian The Procrastinator

P.S. Never thought I'd type that sign-off ever again LOL (1:51 am).

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