Myungjun didn't waste any time, as predicted, but it was so absurd and ridiculous that none of them knew how to react. The fact he couldn't hold onto the pole for more than a few seconds, in his attempt of lap dancing (that was the idea, at least, they all figured), surely didn't help.
Minhyuk turned to Jinwoo, half baffled half desperate, but only got a it's-your-boyfriend-not-mine kind of look in return.
"For god's sake, get down of there", he hissed, eventually grabbing Myungjun's wrists. "What's wrong with you today?"
"With me? I'm not the one acting like he is single!"
"I- I was just having fun! Did you really take it seriously?"
Myungjun crossed his arms. "What if I did?"
"I would say sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry", Minhyuk softened. "But I thought you were fine with it- this was your idea!"
"And Jinnie's"
"My point still stands"
"We did this for Dongminie, not for you"
"You can't expect me to not even look", Minhyuk protested. "But I don't care about them, hyung"
"Should I trust you?"
"You know there is no one else but you. We can leave, though, if-"
Myungjun stared at him, his sternness starting to crack. "No, you are right, I am overreacting", he admitted after a while. "And you are too cute to stay mad for something so stupid"
"Great, then everything is okay", Minhyuk smiled, holding his waist. "Grant me a dance? Or should we make out so everyone knows who I belong to?"
"That's an option", Myungjun pondered. "But I have a better one"
"I am all ears"
"I want to get you off"
Minhyuk's eyes widened. "Right here?"
"Yeah. I had this fantasy for a while -maybe not in a damn strip club, but the thought of people watching... I don't know, it's intriguing", Myungjun shrugged. "Fully clothed, don't worry, I'm not that perverse -unless you'd like me to, I think I could do it then"
"That would be too much even for you", Minhyuk laughed, taking his hand and searching for a free seat. "But I- I'm down for it"
"I wouldn't even think of it, if it was someone else, but with you- maybe I should love you less, I can't believe we are doing this"
"I hope you won't stop", Myungjun chuckled, straddling his thighs. "Tell me if you change your mind, mh? I want you to be comfortable"
"I know", Minhyuk nodded. "Whenever you are ready"
Myungjun kissed him, their foreheads touching. "I want everyone to hear you screaming my name", he whispered, grinding on his lap. "Everyone, got it? So don't hold back, love"

Jinwoo's head snapped up at the moans. "Yah!" he yelled, incredulous. "Get a damn room!"
"Let them be -they will be so embarrassed tomorrow they won't be able to show up", Sanha said with a disgusted face.
"Speaking of embarrassment, where did Dongmin go?"
"Didn't he have a drink appointment with that one stripper?"
"I am a bit worried", Jinwoo admitted. "Maybe we shouldn't have forced him"
"It is a club, hyung, not a hang-out for criminal gangs. He is an adult, he will find his way -he may even be more interested than we think"

Sanha was right.
When Bin finally reached him, Dongmin's heart skipped a beat.
"You really waited for me", Bin smiled, and there was a hint of surprise in his voice.
"Are you allowed to talk with me like this? I thought-" Dongmin stopped, unsure. "Do you ask every lost boy to come with you?"
"Only the very attractive ones", Bin whispered lasciviously, and then burst out laughing. "You are the first, actually- I had a couple of clients, but it's mostly old men throwing bucks at me when I'm on stage or women hoping for something I can't give them"
"So you are-"
"Yeah. It's not unusual, lots of us are -some fake it to get more tips, though"
Dongmin frowned. "That's... awful?"
"For the women? They don't care, as long as they get attention -the boys don't either, it's like playing a script and they've got to make a living somehow"
"But you don't"
"I have been raised to always be honest with myself and people around me", Bin said, gently but enough for Dongmin to know the topic was over. "We should go talking somewhere quieter"
"Are you scared? I won't do anything unless you want it too"
Dongmin stared at him. "It's that- I mean, you seems nice and your body-" he blushed, pictures of Bin hip thrusting the floor just an hour before replaying in his mind. "I do like you -on a totally superficial level"
"Never expected anything poetic, I know what kind of impression this whole thing and I give off", Bin agreed.
"You look okay, really", Dongmin shook his head. "It's just strange meeting someone like this, you know? It may be normal for you but I hope you can understand my reluctance"
"I totally do! I swear, I would act the same if an employee approached me in a fucking strip club. May I propose something?"
"I'm listening"
Bin beamed, happy for the chance. "I still have, uhm, forty minutes before I need to resume my shift. We can use one of the rooms your friend mentioned-"
"How did you hear that?"
"He screamed it from the top of his lungs, it was difficult not to". Dongmin made a mental note to remind Myungjun to not being so fucking loud wherever they went. "You can tell me more about you, ask me anything or do... whatever you feel like to. Then you can either walk out and never see me again or ask for my number -maybe I will hate you, who knows!"
Dongmin appreciated the space and choices Bin was giving him. "I think it's a fair deal, coming from a total stranger", he conceded.
"Awesome! Hold my hand -so I don't lose you in this crowd", Bin winked. "You can let go as soon as we are alone, I promise I won't keep your fingers as a collateral"
Dongmin smiled before he could realize it, a bubbly feeling blooming in his chest. He didn't let go.

The room was too much for Dongmin and his preferences, but Bin didn't even blink, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to him.
"Do you mind telling me your name? Or should I call you birthday boy forever?"
"It's Dongmin"
"Well, you know mine already, we are halfway there" Bin said. "Since you are -rightfully so- still defensive, I'll start!"
He talked, and Dongmin listened, but his mind was somewhere else -mostly because he couldn't decide what was more distracting, if Bin's eyes or his abs.
Then he remembered, words he didn't really paid attention to before: unless you want it too. Which meant Bin did wish something to happen. And what was the big deal about it? People didn't go to that kind of clubs to talk, Bin worked there -wether he was interested in him as a person or as a client, there was nothing wrong with that. Dongmin reluctantly admitted that Myungjun was right, about being secluded in his own safe space: he was young, he needed to experience, to reverse the expectations the world had on him, who cared if it was with a damn stripper or someone normal. Bin seemed too sweet anyway and Dongmin doubted he was going to take advantage of him.
He was still blabbering when Dongmin kissed him, a hand on his back, pressing closer, and it felt so good. Maybe seeking for a more personal connection wasn't always the answer, Dongmin thought as he clashed against Bin almost ferociously; maybe satisfying his needs and not worrying about a thing was the way to go, sometimes.
"Wait, wait-" Bin stopped him, panting. "What are you doing?"
Dongmin tried to catch his breath, confused. "I thought you wanted- you don't like me? I knew it, shit, I-"
"What do you mean? You are fucking gorgeous, I would be an idiot to reject you"
"Then why-"
"You were about to run away a minute ago, I'm just surprised", Bin reassured him, fixing his hair. "Take it slow, mh? I'm a stripper but I still have manners, I'm not a dickhead"
"Sorry, I don't know why I'm acting like this", Dongmin sighed, plopping on the mattress. "You will think I am a weirdo"
"I have seen far worse, trust me", Bin shrugged, helping him up again. "You can kiss me, or more, if you wish -but don't force yourself"

Dongmin didn't have to, his body reacting to Bin's attentions as if they were made for each other. When things got heated, Bin made sure he was okay in every moment, between a bite and a caress before he thrusted into him, and even then, past the arousal and the desire, Dongmin could feel the care with which Bin was making love to him. It was more than just sex, Dongmin was sure of it even if he couldn't explain, because the turmoil inside of him made no sense but also felt so damn right. He kept kissing Bin, gripping onto his shoulders, neck exposed to the sweet torture his lips were -he vaguely wondered what others would have said after, and decided he couldn't care less.
Bin came calling his name, collapsing into his arms, his voice so hoarse and sexy that Dongmin wanted it to never stop.
"Now I know why you work here", he whispered, head light as a cloud.
"Thank you", Bin laughed, pressing kisses along his jawline. "I'm glad you were impressed by my services"
Dongmin smiled, then frowned. "I didn't mean- I don't see you as a product or-"
"Neither do I, stop worrying. I did this because I liked you, not to trick you into a paid make out session; although my pants are always ready for that tip, just saying"
"I'm going to kill Myungjun hyung", Dongmin muttered, fanning his face to get rid of the blush spreading across.
"You will do it soon", Bin smirked, putting a shirt on -he looked good even better, Dongmin marveled. "Come on, my pause is over and your friends are probably freaking out because you disappeared"
"I doubt it, with how they threw me into this"
"Then they will be proud of you"
Dongmin rolled his eyes, following him back to the hall. "I have a question"
"The birthday thing- that was a lie, wasn't it?"
"Where did all of your honesty go?"
"I can make exceptions", Bin shoved him playfully. "We do offer drinks, I was serious about that, but the show- I don't know, I just really wanted to dance for you"
Dongmin had never felt more special, and it had taken a stranger to make it happen -it was crazy, but maybe that was how fate worked.
"I would like your number, if the offer is still valid"
"Damn right it is!" Bin quickly typed in, shushing a colleague who was urging him to the backstage. "I will wait for your call, don't let me down"
"I won't. And by the way-"
Dongmin kissed him so hard he heard people whistling around them. "Consider this my tip for tonight"
"Way better than the money", Bin chuckled. "See you soon, Dongmin"
As he waved back, the others joining him in a chorus of where have you been? and look at you!, Dongmin couldn't hold back a smile- a strip club wasn't such a bad idea, after all.

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