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    Since they had left Jonathan's car at the police station the group had no other choice but to run back to retrieve it along with their weapons

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  Since they had left Jonathan's car at the police station the group had no other choice but to run back to retrieve it along with their weapons. With all the action the last week alone had brought Erin felt like he was going to collapse. His lungs burned as they sprinted through the woods, he cursed not being more athletic during his childhood.

  "How much more running are we gonna have to do?! God damn!" He yelled causing Nancy to roll her eyes and laugh. "I've seriously ran more in one week than I have my entire life"

Jonathan laughed catching up to the two "Hey that's not true! Remember in 5th grade when we spent the whole year running from O'Donnell and his goons because you broke his Walkman"

"Oh my god" Erin laughed, remembering the fury on the boys face as it snapped in half. "We spent what? Every day until summer hiding from him or getting our asses kicked?"

Jonathan nodded "yeah he only stopped because Harrington kicked his ass and knocked his front teeth out"

Erin raised his brows in surprise, halting as they reached the station. "Harrington did that? O'Donnell couldn't eat solids for a month!"

"He was always kicking someone's ass when it came to you. Don't you remember him laying me out just for talking to you? What an asshole"

Erin followed behind Nancy and Jonathan, jumping into the back of the car as he got lost in his thoughts. He knew Steve had beat Jonathan's ass out of jealousy but he didn't know that Steve had also been looking out for the two of them after that. Thinking of the older boy brought up old feelings Erin thought were long dead. He found himself wondering if Steve even noticed he was gone.

Jonathan sped down the road towards his house, the pedal mashing against the floor. Nancy and Erin held on for dear life as they were pulled with the car. They made it to the Byers house in only five minutes, drifting into the driveway sideways and popping the trunk open.

The trio got out, rushing to the trunk. Nancy grabbed a baseball bat and box of nails, handing them to Erin before grabbing her own. Jonathan the gasoline and bear trap before securing his fathers stolen pistol in his coat pocket.

  "You know" Erin started, smiling at Jonathan "Keeping the gun in your coat like that makes you look like a pimp"

  Nancy busted out laughing, Jonathan shoving Erin as they walked in the house. "Careful or I'll put you on the streets"

  Jonathan cleared off the coffee table by just sliding everything into the floor, setting all of their supplies down. Erin raised an eyebrow noticing the Christmas lights weaving in between the alphabet painted in black letters on the living room wall.

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