Apparently Ian felt the same way. "The lack of humility before nature that's being displayed here staggers me." Ian told them. I nodded along, agreeing. "Well, thank you Dr. Malcolm. But things are a little different than you and I had feared." Genarro said.

"No. They're a lot worse." I told him. The lawyer looked angry at me. "Now Wait a second, we haven't even seen the park yet.." Genarro trailed off. "Donald let him talk. There's no reason, I want to hear every viewpoint." John told him.

"Don't you see the danger, John, inherent in what you're doing here? Genetic powers the most awesome force the planets ever seen but you wield it like a kid who's found his dads gun." Ian told him. John already looked upset at this. I knew he would be mad when we all didn't endorse his park. "It's hardly appropriate to start hurling..." Genarro started but I cut him off. "Oh please. Let him talk." I told him.

"I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power you're using here. It didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves. So you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could." Ian said and John shook his head vehemently.

"Before you even knew what you had, you patented it and packaged it and now you're selling it. You're going to sell it." Ian said angrily. The lawyer was chuckling at this and I wanted to punch him. Ian's speech made a lot of sense to me, for it accurately described what I saw here. "I don't think you're giving us our due credit. Our scientists are doing things which nobody has ever done before." John told him.

"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." Ian said and John seemed agitated.

"Condors. Condors are on the verge of extinction. If I was to create a flock of condors on this island, you wouldn't have anything to say." John said, pointing a finger at Ian. "Hold on, this isn't some species that was obliterated by deforestation or the building of a dam. Dinosaurs had their shot and nature selected them for extinction." Ian told him.

"I simply don't understand this Luddite attitude, especially from a scientist. How can we stand in the light of discovery and not act?" John asked us all. I didn't acknowledge his words, for I didn't agree with any of them. I saw Alan and Ellie seemed to be against John as well.

"What's so great about discovery? It's a violent act." Ian told him.

Ellie leaned forward. "Well, the question is, how can you know anything about an extinct ecosystem? And therefore how could you ever assume you could control it? You have poisonous plants in this building. You picked them because they looked good." Ellie told John.

I admired her for standing up to him and voicing her opinion. "But these are aggressive living things that have no idea what century they're in and they'll defend themselves. Violently, if necessary." Ellie told him. John glanced at all of us in disbelief.

"Miss Grant, Dr. Grant, if there's two people here that could appreciate what I'm trying to do." John trailed off. I shook my head and leaned forward to face him. "Unfortunately I cant appreciate it, John, and for reasons you should be able to understand. Dinosaurs do not belong here, not with humans, not again. And now you've taken them and thrown them into an amusement park and never once wondered what might happen." I told him and he looked upset at this.

He turned to my brother. "The world has just changed so radically and we're all running to catch up. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution, have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we possibly have the slightest idea what to expect?" Alan asked him.

It seemed everyone in the room was against John except the lawyer. "I don't believe it! You're meant to come here and defend me against those characters, and the only one I've got on my side is the blood sucking lawyer!" John told us and I rolled my eyes. An older man walked over and whispered something to John.

John smiled and stood up. "They're here." He told us and we all followed him out back into the original building.

I wondered who he meant. "You five are going to have a spot of company out in the park. Spend a little time with our target audience."
John told us and I glanced at the door as two kids rushed in.

"Grandpa!" They yelled and I saw Alan stiffen. Of course. Alan hates kids. Ellie, however was smiling widely as the kids tackled John in a hug. I watched as Ellie glanced back at Alan and looked back in disappointment. Apparently she'd been hoping he'd like the kids.

Ian seemed neutral enough to the children, while the lawyer seemed annoyed. I, myself didn't mind kids at all.

We all walked outside as very colorful cars pulled up. They had Jurassic Park written on the side. The kids walked forward and Ian and I grabbed them, pulling them back. "Kids, not to close to the cars!" John told them. The kid I grabbed looked up at me. It was a little boy with brown hair. He looked about 7 or 8. "I'm Timmy." He told me and I smiled.

"I'm Olivia." I told him and his sister smiled up at me. "I'm Lex." She told me and I smiled back at her. "Aren't they lovely? These will be your transports this afternoon." John told us. I hung back by Ian as Lex climbed into one of the cars.

"No drivers?" Genarro asked John. "No. No drivers. They're electric. They run on this track in the roadway here. Totally non polluting. Top of the line. Spared no expense." John told us as we all examined the track.

"Lex, darling your all right in there. Dr. Sattler, Miss Grant come with me." John told us and Ellie and I followed him. "Dr. Grant come in the second car." John called to Alan.

"I'm going to ride with Miss Grant." I heard Ian tell Alan as we walked up to us. Ellie climbed into the passenger seat, while Ian and I climbed into the back. I watched in amazement as Timmy walked up to Alan. "Do you really think dinosaurs turned into birds and that's where they went?" Timmy asked my brother, who seemed to want to escape him.

Alan walked around the car as Timmy followed him, asking him questions. "God, Alan looks like he wants to kill that poor kid." I told Ellie with a laugh. Alan followed the kid to the first car and closed him in.

Lex walked up to us and Ellie grinned at her. "Hey, why don't you ride with Dr. Grant? It'll be good for him." Ellie told her and I giggled.

Alan somehow seemed to get Lex into the same car as Genarro and Timmy.

Alan slid into the car and I was squished between him and Ian once again. The cars began to move and I could hear Timmy and Lex chattering excitedly.

"God help up when the hands of engineers.." Ian muttered and I grinned at him. A voice on the small screen began speaking. "During your tour, the appropriate information will be automatically selected and displayed for you. Welcome to Jurassic Park." The recurved voice told us as we approached a large gate with the words JURASSIC PARK on it.

The doors swung open and we entered the park. "What have they got in there, King Kong?" Ian asked, referring to the huge gate. "I bet it's something worse." I told him with a smile.

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