Steve Harrington grew up with two parents, unlike Juliette, but when Steve was old enough to take care of himself they left him to do as such. Steve began to resent his parents for that reason. He became an asshole with the title of King Steve in high school. Being the popular jock gave him the attention he never really had. But every King is replaced and his crown fell when he ran back into the Byers home of 1983.

     The boy then met Juliette and the two immediately clicked. Steve and Juliette understood each other more then they did with the others. Steve might have had parents, but they where never really there. Steve wanted to be there for Lu. He wanted to make sure she could talk to him, ring him because she wanted to talk to someone or needed a ride. He wanted a little sibling when he was younger and Juliette always wanted an older brother. It just so happened to be each other.

    "Exactly. Now. . ." Steve grabbed something from his jacket pocket, handing it to her. "Just encase. I know what the others are like. Get yourself something to eat if not we can grab burgers after."

      "Thank you, Stevie." Juliette leant over to hug him. "I'll pay you back." She shot back, getting out the car.

       "No, no, no. That's my treat. Dustin's gonna steal your change since you can't say no to those idiots." Juliette laughed back, waving at him as she walked towards the arcade.

     "Bye, Stevie!"


     The young girl laughed while heading towards the building, seeing the three bikes outside the building. A small bundle of nerves gathered in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't the actual idea of being around her friends, it was the noise of where they were. See, Juliette wasn't just a member of the party, knowing of the upside down because her friend went missing and a telekinetic girl appeared in the woods. Juliette was different. She had. . . abilities of sorts. 

     Juliette started to have weird dreams. Small things ended up becoming real. One night she dreamt of her and her friends biking and Mike fell, grazing his arm. The next day, the same exact thing happened. It was weird. Her dreams came true. Until she realised that she was just seeing the future. She couldn't control them nor did she understand them.

    Before the incident of November 1983, Juliette started to have other unfathomable things happen. She got bad headaches for a while and then a weird faint mumble sound echoed in the back of her mind. The migraines faded but the chatter got louder and she realised that she was hearing other people's thoughts.

     She avoided trying to deal with those weird unknown abilities and tried to move on with her life, going to school, D&D campaigns. But it never went away. It got worse where it would tire her out and the boys began to notice. It was fun at first when she could use her. . . magic, to figure out Lucas' next move or what Mike was planning in those campaigns. When the boys realised, it made no sense but they tired to help as much as they could, figuring out that music could drown out voices when it got to loud.

     Some time later, El appeared and soon her own abilities where revealed along with the number tattooed on her wrist and the warning of 'Bad men' after her. That week El tried to help Juliette with her mind abilities. She taught her the void and tried to explain with the few words she spoke.

     That lead them to the night Will came home and El died. The bad men did arrive to take El 'home'. Doctor Brenner never got the chance as a Demogorgon climbed through the wall in the middle school and the piercing ringing in Juliette's ears erupted a scream that revealed the same telekinetic powers Eleven had. Only, Juliette didn't have a number or any indication as to how, where or why she got got them.

ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ   ☆   ᴍᴀx ᴍᴀʏꜰɪᴇʟᴅOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora