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800 reads! wow! thanks everyone so much! also please remember Elvin babies can talk the day they are born, so I guess a three year old elf such as Avery would be much more advanced then we are used to.

Avery giggled as his dad looked around the corner. 
"ssshhhh, he's coming!"  his father picked him up, and stood, ready to attack. suddenly, he jumped out, with Avery in his arms.
"BOO!" shouted Avery, as his brother screeched. 

"ha ha sooo funny." luka said, sarcastically as he glared at Avery. his dad replied something, but Avery wasn't listening. he rarely did. he knew he saw the world differently to his siblings. the person who seemed to understand him the most was his sister, Jolie. she understood that he needed more help with some things, and more independence with others. 

"Hey! who ate all the cookies?!" he heard his sister Lestie yell. Avery smiled. though he didn't know exactly what happened, he knew Lestie had been very sad, but lately she had been happier and was filling the house with delicious foods, sweet and savoury. he toddled off to the kitchen to see if someone had ACTUALLY eaten all the cookies, or if Lestie was exaggerating. she did that often. he walked past his mother, who was running away with luk close behind her. then Lestie stormed past, almost knocking him over.


"oh! sorry Avery, do you know where mum went?" Avery shook his head, even though he knew exactly where she was. Lestie sighed, but kept searching. Avery saw there was three cookies left. he grabbed two, and walked into Jolie's room.

she was sitting on the floor, a sewing needle sticking out of the corner of her mouth. she had a purple dress looking piece of fabric in front of her. she was pinning sequins onto the lacey veil.

"here Jolie, I brought you a cookie!" Jolie smiled. Avery loved getting her approval. she took the cookie.

"thanks bro." Avery shyly smiled at the floor, his dimples showed, and he knew he looked adorable.

"what are you making?"

"a dress for harmony."

"why?" Jolie looked up, and narrowed her eyes at him.

"okay, I will tell you... but only because I know you wont tell anyone... she is going on her first date, but she doesn't want anyone to know, so she's been saying its for a party."

Avery frowned. "why doesn't she want anyone to know?" Jolie looked around, as if someone was listening in to their conversation.

"because she's going on a date with...Jasa."

Avery frowned. "who is that?"

Jolie breathed out heavily. "he's Stina's and Jensi's son! everyone hates Stina! they like Jensi. he was forced to marry her. but it's especially bad for harmony because Stina used to love uncle tam, and aunt Biana REALLY hates her."

Avery thought hard about this. "well, I think harmony should be able to love who she wants. even if they are Stina's kid."

Jolie smiled sadly, and held out her arms. Avery was embraced by them. she stroked his hair.

"me too, kid, me too."

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