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later that night I remember Steve telling me about a party at this guy's house I don't remember his name bur I don't care. in all honesty I don't want to go but I need to get away from him. that blonde boy downstairs with a toned body a sharp jawline and a big nose. you know what they say about big n- nvm.

I walk towards my wardrobe and pull out a black dress that hugs my body in all the right places and put on some silver jewelerry.

Once i finish my hair indrag my dress down the stairs where im met with bright blue eyes to which i ignore and step towards the phone. I look through the number list next to it and find steves number which i quickly dial.

I felt uncomfortable not saying anything to the handsome man but he needs to learn that im not the one to fuck around with.

"Hey steve speaking whats up" a voice echoed through the telephone. "Hey steve i was wondering if you could pick me up" i ask looking in the reflection of the fridge to see henry stepping up "for a suprise" i added just to fuck henry off. Which worked

"Uh yeah sure when" steve asked confused "now? I need to get something off my chest" i say smiling at henry

"Uh ok..." he trailed off before i hung the phone up. And spin around to grab an apple when im met with henrys peircing blue eyes and hands on my waist

"What am i not allowed to eat" i mutter in a rude tone "what did u say" he demands

"I said am i not allowed to eat" i stare through his soul through my eyebrows. "Who were you talking to" he asks with a clenched jaw as i wriggle out of his grip

"Oh you know... steve" i trail off he opens his mouth to say something but a car horn beats him to it. "Aw nice chat byee" i say in a cheerful voice skipping out the door to steves car.

Once i slam the door i see henry wank towardsthe car "drive" i demand and he does.

"Uh so what was all that about" steve asks nervously "you need to take me to that party" i say in a cold tone "may i ask why" steve pleads "no you may not" i shut him down making his head hang lower than before.

The car ride was silent until we met a house with cars parked down the road. "Hey are you sure? I mean have you ever drunken alcohol or..." he asks choosing his words carefully.

"No but your forgetting one thing. I grew up in a lab for a reason" i say stepping out of the car and walking towards the large house. I walk through the doors and a certain soneone catches my attention.

A blonde guy with short hair in a basketball jacket was staring at me- or rather my body.

I ignore it and walk around seeing if i knew anyone when im pulled in by my waist. "Uh get off me" i say shaking the strong grip off my pelvis.

"Im jason" the man slurred and i rolled my eyes. "Do that again" he says staring at my tits as if im a full course meal.. ew

"Uh bye" i say walking away towards steve again but my arm is yanked by jason as im dragged into a small room

"What are you doing wearing such a revealing dress you slut" he slurs stepping on his own feet whilst shaking his heavy skull.

"Dont touch me" i say as his hands meet my wrist that are shoved against the door "your pretty" he giggles as tears start to form in my eyes. Not that id let him see

"Your pretty when you cry" he whispers into my ear before letting his knee grind against me still having a strong grip on my wrists.

"Stop" i whimpered crossing my legs which got him mad. He through me onto the bed andlet one of his hands hold both my wrists as he unbuckled his belt.

"Please stop"i whimpered when he started to lift my dress slowly. "We are going to play a game" he said trying to sound seductive which made more tears well in my eyes before the door smashed open to which i see henry.

He puts his hand up and flings jason into the wall. I forgot we had powers. I run out of the room and down the street. I neededto get away from it all.

forbidden || Henry creel/Peter ballard Where stories live. Discover now