Kitty Shopping Time!

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*3rd pov for today guys!*

The kitties sighed in misery.

In has only been a day with their owner and everything is a chaos.

With no food and only milk and water, they are hungry. Really hungry.

Good thing today they are going to shop some cat food. Though they aren't sure if cat food is good.

"Kitty-Kitty~ Lets go shopping!" The Cats Owner beamed in excitement.

She then pulled out 8 pieces of collar. The cat gulped in fear and nervousness as Their owner chuckled evilly

"Now be a good boy and wear this~"


The City was very High-Tech. Sure there is no flying car, but there is many robots.

The cats all stare at awes, sure wearing collar wasn't a good idea. But its worth it. [Except Reborn, he doesn't wear one becoz he is cool. Like really? can you imagine him in collar? nope.]

People were unique, with colorful hair and unique clothing which look like a battle costume. Some also hold weapon like guns and weapon, though Tsuna don't want to know why or how.

The Shops and streets also look very fascinating, colorful. The items were unique, like a talking doll, walking plant, and.. invisible phone.

They walked around for a bit and then stopped in front of a small pet shop with yellow shop sign.

Bridgette walked inside the store with her kitties. "Roy! I brought some Kitties!"

A man with black hair and black eyes showed up and start hugging Bridgette. "Bridgie~~" The man singed with childish voice.

He then looked at the Kitties with sharp eyes and annoyed scowl.

"What is this things?" He scowled.

"Its not things! Its Kitties! Geez, you are a Animal Shop Owner but you hate animals." Bridgette sighed, rubbing her temple.

"Awww~ they are annoying Bridgie~" Roy pouted.

"Anyway I want to buy few things for my Kitties!"

After buying a few Litter boxes, scratching posts, Cat can foods, Cat dry foods, brushes, nail clippers, and Toys. Bridgette and the kitties step out of the Animal shop with sastisfied sigh, not wanting to talk to Roy anymore.

"Lets walk around the town for a bit." The blond girl smiled normally [suprising the cat lol] at her Kitties, The kitties nod with excited eyes.

They walked through the street and then entered an old part of the town.

The Old Part of the town looks very ancient, almost like a china town.

There is very little people around there but there is many interesting things.

Bridgette was walking around, carrying Pervy, Het, and Scratch while holding Uke, Baby, L, Tsun, and Hyp leash.

Suddenly a man with tanned skin, glasses and black hair popped out of no where. With no warning, He punched Bridgette. Bridgette dodged the punch elegantly.

"Hello there, Do you have any business with me?" Bridgette asked with a smile, releasing her hold on the Kitties leash.

The man kept quiet and tried punching her on the stomach, which Bridgette blocked with her hand.

"How rude, Kid this day..." Bridgette pouted with narrowed eyes.

Annoyed, The man kicked and punched her, but Bridgette always blocked or dodged by The blond girl.

By this time, the cat are actually worrying their owner. People also formed a circle and watched the fight.

"Why are everybody not stopping them?" Tsuna or Uke meowed


"She is pretty strong hahahahah." Laugh or Takeshi meow-laughed.

Frustrated unable to hit, The Man jumped back and activated his weapon Second form, A large monster hand in his arm.

"Immediately to the second form? How impatient..." Bridgette Whistled, unintentionally ticking him further.

The man dashed with a faster speed, and scratched Bridgette cheeks.

"Ugh, how dare you." Bridgette eyes flashed with annoyance. She kick the tan-man.

The man scowled and jumped. He then punched Bridgette on mid air.

Bridgette blocked it, but the floor under her cracked.

"Strong." Hibari or Scratch cat-smirked.

"Ugh, can you go away? I still have to take a walk with my kitties." She scowled and jumped back

The Man looked at the kitties, and grinned.

He walk to Tsuna, grab his collar and pick him up. Then he throw Tsuna away to the crowd.

Tsuna Meowed loudly in fright, luckily his right hand man caugh him before he fall.

"There, I throw it away. Now fight me seriously." The man took a stance.

Bridgette stared at the man blankly.

The Man punched again and this time he successfully hit her in the cheeks.

Before he can celebrate his first punch, Bridgette grabs his Monster Hand and squeeze it.

"Did you just touch my cat with your filthy hand?" She asked creepily, tilting her head.

She squeeze his arm so tightly that a crack-sound echoed throuh the crowd.

The man sweatdropped.

Bridgette released his arm, but before he can jump back. She punched his arm, hard.

The punch was so hard that all of his arm bone was shattered into pieces.

The man screamed and jumped back.

"Do you want me to chop you alive? Do you want me to burn you alive?" Bridgette smiled creepily and started walking to the man.

Scared sh'tless, The man runaway.

The crowd applauds loudly at the show while the Kitties gapped at their owner.

"Hiiii Scary!" Tsuna cries

"... Not bad." Gokudera commented.

"Hahahaha, She is really not bad!" Takeshi grinned.

"JOIN THE BOXING CLUB TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei shouted excitedly.

"Hiii Lambo is scared." Lambo cried.

"Kufufufufufufu I found something interesting." Mukuro laughed creepily.

"Strong, I want to fight her." Hibari grinned like maniac.

Reborn smirked and walkes to Bridgette. "She will be a great ally."

"Now... Lets go home!" The scary Bridgette was gone in instant.

Guyys~~~ please check my wattpad... I update more in there!

Kitty Mafia! (Katekyo Hitman Reborn Reverse Harem fic.)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu