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—pairings: eddie munson x female!reader

—summary: y/n braids eddie's hair after seeing him wear a low bun.

—warnings: established relationship, nothing but pure fluffy eddie.

—word count: 1.8k

—additional notes: i have no idea how i wrote 1.8k words based on braiding eddie's hair but i loved every second of it.


Y/n was beginning to grow bored, very bored. Immediately regretting her wishes of laying in bed for another ten minutes instead of tagging along to her boyfriend's Hellfire meeting was the fault for her lack of interest now.

The slam shut of the front door once Eddie left and the sound of his car's tyres screeching against the gravelled ground through the open window of his bedroom was enough to wake Y/n from her tired state, add that with the scorching heat of a summer afternoon in Hawkin's, she was hauling herself from under Eddie's duvet to battle the warmth.

Y/n had decided to take off her long-sleeved shirt that she fell asleep in merely hours before, opting for one of Eddie's many band t-shirts that lay across the floor, in hopes that will cool her down. It felt like decades of awaiting her boyfriend's return, endless laps around his room looking over the details she had seen time and time before and snatching his unsolved Rubik Cube, pressing down the coloured stickers that pulled off the edges, making a wild guess that he must have been gifted it the year it came out because it was completely worn out.

She had never been so pleased to hear the sound of a door slam, not until she cranked her neck over the side of the bed and saw Eddie's smiling expression from down the hall as he greeted her. Discarding the cube to the side, Y/n moves from her current position on her stomach to move towards the headboard, folding her legs.

Y/n's mouth was gaping slightly while waiting on him to arrive at the bedroom, the sight of him from seconds ago engraved in her brain to stick. Eddie quickly removed his denim vest, letting that and his leather jacket he held fall on the dinner table before turning back to his girlfriend, pushing the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt further up his arms to allow the air to hit them.

"God, baby, I am sweltering," Y/n didn't respond as Eddie begins to speak, voice getting louder as he approaches the room casually, "we even had to call the game off early, literally could hardly focus at one point, 'shame cause Dustin was on a roll with the dice." His chuckle dissipates curiously after he's entered the room, Y/n not even listening to a word he's saying as he watches her stare.

"Is there something on my face or am I just that pretty?" Eddie muses, smirking slightly as he leans down, his hands resting against the bed as he moves to Y/n's view, gazing back at her. "Your..." she trails off, Eddie continuing to chuckle as he kicks off his shoes, deciding to kneel down onto the bed while moving closer to her.

"My...?" he teases. Y/n reaches an inquisitive hand up to his hair. It's pulled back into a low bun, messy and unkempt strands falling beside his ears while parts of his fringe sticks to his forehead from the heat, "your hair..." she trails off again in amazement.

Eddie keeps chuckling fondly, not minding the way Y/n's fingers twirl parts of his escaped hair by the frame of his face, "mess, right?". Y/n shakes her head, Eddie's smile dropping as his eyes search hers, "I love it."

He's fully moved onto the bed now, sitting in front of his girlfriend with a growing fondness as she continues to admire his hairstyle, "what? never seen it pulled back before, have you?" Eddie continues to make light jokes, turning slightly to show her the bun by his neck.

𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍; imagines.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora