Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Bree." Addison smiled. If Hayden didn't know any better, she would say Addison almost seemed shy at the likelihood of her nomination.

"It totally should be you." Hayden agreed, tossing an arm over her cousin's shoulder and bringing her into a quick side hug. "Being cheer captain has always been your dream."

At the support from Hayden, the Z-team began chanting Addison's name, but it was shut down rather quickly when Bucky exclaimed he wouldn't decide until they were back at school.

He instructed everyone back to the house to shower and pack up their things, since the bus would come pick them up in about an hour or so. He waved his hand vaguely before walking away. Without fail he mentioned that if someone wasn't on time, Bucky wouldn't hesitate to leave them.

It had never happened before but Hayden always questioned if he actually would commit to his claims if it were ever to occur. If only Bucky didn't frighten majority of the team, people would probably take their time leaving camp.

"I can't believe cheer camp's over and we're finally headed home." Hayden sighed, sinking further into the uncomfortable bus seat with a sense of relief. She sat in the row behind the pair of Addison and Bree, content by herself. Hayden didn't mind not sitting with someone, no matter how lonely it seemed. She enjoyed the extra space.

"I'm so excited to see, well," Addison smiled, "you know."

"Yes, we do know." Hayden rolled her eyes with a smile. "But we don't blame you. You two are so cute it makes me wanna barf sometimes." She looked out the window, sighing quietly, "I'm so lonely."

"Yes! I got invited to Prawn!" A shout erupted from across the bus aisle, causing a polite chorus of applause to follow.

"Jeez. It's as if that was on cue or something," Hayden rolled her eyes, a huff following. "God, I just need to crawl back into my bed. To sleep and cry. But mainly sleep." Hayden stared at the brown leather of the seat, mentally debating if she should take advantage of having the space entirely to herself, whether or not if she should lay down and sprawl across its worn-down creases.

She shook her head at herself, trying to get rid of the temptation. That would be unbelievably uncomfortable.

Bree sighed, "Well, getting invited to Prawn sounds great, but Bonzo won't even look at me." She glanced at the back row where the zombie sat, promptly avoiding her gaze.

"No invitation to Prawn for me, either." Addison said sadly. Her eyes widened, "Do you think Zed forgot about me?"

"Bree, Bonzo will come around." Hayden began, nudging Bree as she leaned forward. "I mean, the guy's only here to spend time with you if you asked me. Bonzo's a musician through and through so it says a lot about how much he's into you if he's here cheering and everything. But Bonzo's just.. silly like that. He's shy, so try and give him some time. As for you," she turned to Addison, "I doubt he could ever forget you with how many letters you wrote him."

Addison shook her head. "The Aceys shredded all of them before they could ever be mailed."

Hayden's eyebrows raised. "They did what?"

But Addison couldn't respond to Hayden's reaction because Bonzo rose from his seat and pointed to something outside of the bus in zombie tongue.

Bree glanced at him before following where he pointed out the windows and gasped, securing our attention. The bus passed part of a makeshift sign. She read, "Addison... will you..." Another sign unraveled itself as they kept driving. "Go to The Prawn!" Bree's face lifted. "With—"

"Zed!" Addison shouted. Her eyes widened with fear instead of adoration.

That was when everyone noticed Zed was standing on a ladder in the middle of the road, and the bus was headed straight towards him with no signs of intending to stop. Not a second later, the bus, staying on track like it was a train, plowed forward, knocking the zombie off  of the ladder.

A sound thudded from the roof as the bus swerved down the road as Shrimpy made efforts to regain control of its wavers. Another thud soon sounded against the window and Hayden shrieked, clamping her hand over her mouth when she saw Addison's boyfriend on the other side of the glass.

He clung on for his undead life as Addison cried to him, "Zed!" She placed her hand against the window.

After managing a quick "Hi" in response, the zombie fell off.

The bus had quickly swerved off the road entirely and crashed through the woods. Tree branches slapped at the windows, the uneven ground made the hollow vehicle rumble. But eventually, the bus stopped and caused the screams to stop with it, making the bus fall into quiet.

"Is everybody okay?" Hayden asked, releasing her death grip on the seat in front of her. "Everyone good?" There were murmurs of responses as people tried to gain composure of themselves.

Bucky shot up from his seat and screamed, dashing down the aisle towards the back as quickly as he could manage. "Nothing can happen to me, I'm way too important!" He jumped out the emergency exit and fell face into the dirt.

"Bucky!" Hayden groaned, getting out of her seat. "Everyone stay calm while I go and check on our fearless captain." She smiled sarcastically with a shake of her head.

She peaked her head out of the back of the bus, her hands holding onto the frame of the door were the only thing keeping her from falling out. At the sign of her brother, face down in the dirt, she hopped down, the earth soft under her shoes when she landed.

Hayden came up to Bucky and she stuck out her hand for her brother, "Dude, you okay?"

She sighed out of relief when his head perked up, and Hayden had to keep herself from laughing at how ridiculous he looked with dirt covering him and his clothes.

He wasn't dead, that was a good sign. Hayden wasn't sure what she would have done if he had been. If there'd been any show of blood, she probably would've ran in the opposite direction.

Bucky began to try and stand, and while ignoring his half efforts to slap her hands away, it made Hayden ask, "Need any help up at all or—"

Suddenly, Addison darted out of the bus with speed that took Hayden entirely off guard.

"Addison, hey!" She called after her and huffed. "Where are you going? Addison!" Her cousin didn't answer her.

So, the bus crashed and everyone lost their minds! Great, just great! Hayden thought and grumbled under her breath to herself.

Hayden slapped the bottom of the inside of the bus to hopefully get Bonzo's attention— or anyone really; Hayden didn't care who as long as somebody was listening— her eyes staying transfixed on Addison to hopefully see which direction she was headed. "Addison just totally ran off into the woods like a lunatic, I'm gonna go after her. Stay put and nobody freak out— Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Hayden sighed, Bucky had proceeded to faint, face planting into the dirt for the second time. She glanced over her shoulder briefly. "I'll be right back, just.. somebody check on Bucky, please?"

The Buchanan girl didn't bother waiting for any form of confirmation from anyone and began to venture into the forbidden forest, stepping into its grassy and mossy earth, trying to shake the feeling that eyes were boring into the back of her head as the sun disappeared behind the trees above her.

. . • ☆ . ° .• ✧°:. *₊ ✩° ・゚. ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTE! Sometimes I wonder what Disney writers go through in thinking through these plots.... anyways—

✩° So, I know this is shorter than the length of chapters I typically give you all in my stories but I gotta lay the ground work and with a Disney film, it's lowkey hard to really dive deep in some instances but do not fear !! I'm gonna try my best.

✩° Hayden is so cool and if you don't think so then we must be seeing different characters !¡!¡

✩° Can't wait to get this show on the road, I got a feeling you lovelies are gonna enjoy this story!!

pink lemonade sometimes hits different,

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧, zombiesWhere stories live. Discover now