Steve's head tilted to the side, eyebrows drawn together slightly at the way you were staring at him, amusement laced in his voice as he finally spoke up again, "Are you okay, baby?"

"Yes," you finally nodded in reply, eyes fluttering shut as Steve's hand lifted, fingertips tracing gently down the slope of your nose, "Just happy. 'M glad that everyone's here. And 'm tired."

He nodded, "Me too. All of it." His thumb slid off the tip of your nose, brushing against the edge of your lips and you quickly shot a hand up to close your fingers around his wrist, holding him in place. Steve gave you a curious look, but you only smiled, pressing a kiss to the pad of his thumb.

The noise Steve made came from the back of his throat — a sound of utter adoration — and then he sighed, swiping his thumb across your lip. His hands then travelled up your jaw, fingers sliding behind your ears, thumbs still resting against your cheeks gently. Oh so carefully, he pulled you forward until your forehead was pressing against his, his nose bumping into yours. You could feel the ghost of a smile against your lips, and when you opened your eyes again, you were met with your favorite soft brown eyes staring back at you.

You couldn't hold back any longer, and leaned in to close the minimal space between the two of you, pressing your lips to his. Steve's lips were soft against yours like always as one hand dropped from your cheek to your waist pulling you in impossibly closer, like he couldn't be close enough to you, hugging you to his chest lovingly.

To no surprise, the rest of the room and all of your friends had faded away. You'd completely forgotten that you were not alone, and only remembered when the sound of someone clearing their throat caught your attention. Without a second thought, you broke the soft kiss and tried to scramble back, feeling the heat of embarrassment take over your face. Steve, on the other hand, kept his hand on your back to keep you close and groaned in annoyance, turning his head to see which of his friends had interrupted a perfectly sweet kiss. It hadn't even gotten heated. Yet.

"Can you two get a room?" Mike huffed, speaking on behalf of the group.

Quickly, you pushed your face in Steve's chest in an attempt to hide. You didn't really mind PDA, but you didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Steve let out a grumble that you felt against his chest, "Last I checked, all of these rooms are ours, shithead."

This made you let out a loud laugh, your fingers bunching the soft fabric of his shirt into your hand. Steve's hand brushed up and down your spine, lips curving up into a smile against your hair — pleased with himself for making you laugh.

Mike held his hands up in defense, muttering something under his breath to Lucas, who gave him a shove back. But they left you alone for the time being.

Steve's hand smoothed over your hairline as you tilted your head back, and his face instantly softened. You reached your own hand up, fingers tangling into his crazy, beautiful hair and pulled him back down towards you for one last soft peck on the lips. "Love you, Steve," you whispered, settling back into his arms, pressed into his side.

"Love you, too, baby."

The two of you finally joined in on the conversations again, though you never stopped touching. His arm around your shoulders, fingers hanging over the shoulder furthest from him to intertwine with yours. Your head on his shoulder. A kiss to the top of your head.

It wasn't until you realized how late it was getting that you snapped out of it. Not wanting to leave everything until the morning, you gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and then got up, collecting an array of dirty cups and plates to bring to the kitchen, leaving your friends laughing in the living room.

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