Deprived of Mother's Warmth

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In morning, Both of them were sleeping peacefully in each others arms when the door bell ring, the continuous ringing sound made her groan in irritation. Without opening her eyes, she shook him.

"Go and see who is at door-" Shehnaaz mumbled, once she was sure he had heard her, she went back to sleep. Sidharth groaned in annoyance. Lazily, he pulled himself up and sat on the bed.

"Good morning, Kiddo." He wished his baby, keeping his hand on her baby bump.

"I'll turn your morning bad if you didn't went to see the person who had dare to disturb my sleep early morning." Shehnaaz warned him in sleepy tone. Sidharth lets out a chuckle, he got up and went to open the door.

"What the fu-" His words died when he opened the door and found his mother, standing at the doorstep and fuming in anger.

Rashmi Arhaan Shukla, the one who believes status, power & money are everything, was enraged when she got to know her son, leaving his business aside, has gone out to search for the middle class girl he claims to love, she couldn't hold herself back anymore and came to York hamlet, to take him back.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Sidharth asked his mother, he was no longer sleepy, he was wide awake and was shocked to see his mother there.

"I came to take you back. I refused to let my son ruin his life after that low class girl." Rashmi spoke in venom dripping tone.

"Mom!" Sidharth warned his mother, to not to say anything about Shehnaaz.

"You are not a kid, Sid that i have to tell you whats is right or wrong. You should understand that by getting married to this low-class girl, you will not get any profit. Marry Anna, Mr. Cyrus's daughter, they are second rich family in the states after us." Rashmi told her son who narrowed his eyes at his mother.

"Not interested, mom, so take your advise and please leave." Sidharth said to his mother in calm tone. 

"Okay! I have a offer for you, marry Anna and you can keep this low class girl as your sex slave." Rashmi offered her son, who scrunched his nose in disgust, his mother's thinking angered and shocked him.

"MOM! YOU ARE CROSSING YOUR LIMITS!!" He roared in anger, Rashmi glared at her son.

"What the Fuck is going on here? World war 3?" An annoyed Shehnaaz came there, hearing loud noises while spoiled her sleep. Her eyes widen in surprise seeing his mother.

"Oh! Look who is here, Mother-Shukla." Shehnaaz mocked a smile at the woman who had ruined her life, literally. She was the reason behind her break up with Sid, and she was the one because of whom she lost her job & apartment back in new york.

Rashmi glared at her, because of her she was on verge of losing her son. Her eyes widen when her gaze fall over shehnaaz's baby bump.

"Oh! So, you started sleeping around for money. Who's child it is, if you even remember?" Rashmi asked, disgust lacing her voice as she pointed at her baby bump.

Rashmi keeps her hand on her 6 months old baby bump, protectively while giving murderous glares to Rashmi. Shehnaaz was about to answer her but Sidharth beats her in it.

"Mom, first of all, mind of your words. The child growing inside her is mine and I'll not hear a word against her or the child growing in her womb." Sidharth arned his mother in stern, sharp tone.

Shehnaaz stares at him with wide eyes, was he the same person who never raised his voice infront of his mother?

"So you are disrespecting me? For this low class poor girl?" Rashmi mocked hurt.

"I'm not, mother, but your disrespectful words for her, are forcing me to take a stand. And why are you calling her poor again & again?"

"Because she is poor, a filth-"

"She is richer than you & me. If you know, mother." Sidharth told his mother, both the ladies stare at him like he had grown another head. Rashmi laughed mockingly.

"Don't laugh, mom, I'm serious." Sidharth said to his mother, making her stop laughing and look at him with 'elaborate' look.

"She is having my child, future owner of  Shukla Group Of Industries growing inside her, then how can she be poor? Along with that, Shehnaaz is the girl i want to marry which made her owner of whatever i have.

And most important, Shehnaaz has a heart of gold, which is priceless-" Sidharth explained, walking toward Shehnaaz, he wrapped his arm around her protectively and pulled her into his arms. Shehnaaz was staring at him in awe, the thing that matters to her, was how he defended her before him mother.

Sidharth had never done that before, not for her, not for anyone else. His mother was everything to him, he would obey her every demand even after knowing she is wrong sometimes.

"Mom, if you want our relation to stay as it was before, then please leave. I'll not leave her again, for you or for anyone else-" Sidharth told her, in stern tone.

"Our relation can never be like before, since this bitch has come in your life, you are not my Sidharth anymore." Rashmi sneered at Shehnaaz, who shifted close to Sid, feeling uneasy under her gaze.

"Shehnaaz taught me to live again, made me see the difference between right & wrong. And you are talking about growing distance between us, then thats also your fault, you have always treated me like money making machine not as your son. You never took care of me, still i obeyed you every time in hope that now atleast i'll get your love & care but you are too busy in your own world to notice your son who was craving for his mother's love since childhood." Sidharth snapped back at her, shehnaaz's head snapped at him, shocked hearing his words. 

Shehnaaz was in awww, Shehnaaz didn't knew he was doing all this just to get his mother's love. He was the child who was deprived from his mother's love & care, and do everything like she wish, just to get her little attention.

"Mrs. Shukla, If you are done with your drama, leave from here." Shehnaaz told her, looking straight into her eyes. Rashmi glared at them, feeling insulted as not once her son defended her. Burning in anger, she left from there.

Shehnaaz turned to Sidharth, who was standing there emotionless.

"Sidharth" Shehnaaz called out for him softly, and the next that happened shocked her to death when The Sidharth Shukla broke down in her arms, causing her heart to break into million pieces seeing his state.

Shukla's Pregnant Mistress (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora