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"She was sitting on the bed looking so beautiful in that red lehenga. Tired, sleepy, hungry, irritated because of all those heavy earrings and chocker and nose ring, But so, so gorgeous.

When she asked me if she could have that glass of milk, it made me chuckle. She was not only gorgeous but cute, her eyes were the most beautiful thing I think I have ever seen, but then she smiled and I felt like there were violins playing in the background, 100's and 1000's. When she came back after changing in the softest pyjamas, I realised she had rashes on her neck and the back of her ears were also scratched. How soft someone can be. I was in awe, and this is not a good sign, falling in love have never been so easy. When I was going to offer her the ointment for her rashes, she was already deep in sleep. I thought to help her by putting the ointment, I was scared to wake her up but thankfully I could hear her light snores, it made me laugh again but I did put the ointment. I could not stop myself from caressing her cheek which was looking like a round boiled egg, and oh fuck her skin was so soft, softer than I anticipated. I had to control my urge to bite her.

I have to control myself, I don't want to scare her with the feelings I have for her. Was I in love, hell yes!!! the first time Dad asked me to meet her, I was not so sure about this so called arrange marriage thing. But because of the recent heartbreak, I thought to give it a chance 'may be this is the way I will find what I was looking for' I thought to myself. When I met her that day I was tongue tied, she smiled at me and I forgot my name!!! Her eyes were so big and I thought she had stars in her eyes, twinkling. Was it love at first sight, it could be!

I had this urge to touch her lips, I should not... this is fucking creepy behaviour, but those look naturally red, not pink but red and smooth. As a reflex I touched mine and found them to be rough and chapped. I immediately clicked a few pictures and picked up a pillow and went to the couch, sleeping next to her is dangerous. I am freaking behaving like sick Romeo.

Next day when I woke up she was sleeping looking like an angel. I noticed the rashes were a little bit better, I came out for the tea and mumma told me let her sleep.

When she laughed for some reason during our lunch, trust me I heard 10,000 violins playing in the background. I have never felt like this before. Dad wanted us to go for honeymoon but as much strange I was behaving I did not trust myself, I would definitely embarass her and myself.

I didn't wanted her to feel pressured because of my feelings towards her. She should take her time to fall in love and physical intimacy was out of question at that point of time.

3 months, I have managed to give her 3 months after that I will confess. She looked happy when she was spending time with my family. It was like I was living my dream, I always wanted my family and the girl I love to be happy around each other. I was working my ass off to finish all the commitments before mom dad leave for Florida with my sister, so that I will be able to come home on time and she doesn't feel lonely.

She was wearing a heavy saree for muh dikhai function. I just don't understand what is the need of these annoying functions that will make her more tired, and she will probably end up having more rashes because of this heavy saree and jwellery. When she asked me to help her with the pins I got excited, as if I have never touched a woman before. I have helped Anusha a 100 times with more sexier dresses, getting in and out of them, but the thought of being near her and feeling the heat of the skin made me giddy. My breath hitched when I brushed her skin by mistake "what if she thinks I did it on purpose?" I thought and left immediately.

Next day when we were having breakfast she asked mumma if she could go to her parents place for a few days, "why? What's the need? She was living with them for past 28 years, why now? Stay with me, please!!" I thought to myself. I hope mumma says no and asks her to come home with us only!

She looked so pretty in that yellow saree at the Pooja. I use to think red was her colour but I realised that so was yellow and blue and pink and white. I clicked some random pictures of her when she was busy doing something or talking to our families and laugh whole heartedly. I wanted to show this beauty to the world but I think I should ask her first if she was okay with me taking and sharing those pictures.

She came home late on the day when Jess had invited us for her birthday party, she looked so tired and I heard her telling mumma that she will be leaving for the office very early as she had some site visit outside of Mumbai and she could be late in the Evening as well. As much as I wanted her to come with me, as much as I wanted to flaunt her to the world, I didn't wanted to be selfish; she needed rest.

"If that's what you want!' she said when I asked her that she doesn't need to come to that stupid party. I think she misunderstood my intention I was trying to explain but she refused to listen.
Next day when I called mumma and asked about Teju, mumma told me that they had a chat in the noon and Teju was not sure if she will be home on time. I didn't wanted to go to the party but Jess came to the set and practically dragged me to the party.

She was still working when I got home "how much this girl work?" I question to no-one particularly.

"Karan we need to talk!" To say I was scared would be an understatement.

"You had choice when you were asked if you wanted to get married to me or not! And YOU chose to say Yes. Then please atleast try to be cordial with each other. "

"Please try not to humiliate me by denying my presence in this house."

"Let's treat each other like room-mates, and pretend for the sake of our parents that we are happy together!"

It was hard to breathe, she thinks I didn't wanted to marry her! Humiliating her was the last thing I would even imagine doing! She said she wanted me treat her like a roommate! Fucking roommate! She wanted to pretend to be happy!

I wanted to scream and tell her "I can't treat her like a roommate because she was my QUEEN!  I don't want to just pretend I want to give her every fucking happiness she deserves and more. I wanted to tell her that I love her. I fell in love when I saw the first time. I was falling in love with her daily again and again for she most amazing human I have ever met. The way she care about my food and sleep and every freaking thing I can't even point out. The way she just casually came to my set to give me suprise and have lunch with me. But all I could do was to say "so you just want to pretend..."

"Ummm I atleast deserve that much!"

"No my little love you deserves a world" I wanted to say but yet again she left.

"I will tell her about me feelings tomorrow, before it's too late! I have to take her for the dinner I have been planning but had no courage to ask. Just a few hours my love, just a few hours! I will tell you what you mean to me!"

"Mummy I wanted to go to my home for a few days."
"No no no!" She can't go we still need to talk about last night. I wish mom make her stay.

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