Prologue 1: Wisconsin Tricks (Maddie POV)

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I was twenty two when I first met the Wisconsin ghost. Vlad had called me to come ‘exterminate’ him and I had failed spectacularly.

It had been a normal hunt at first.

Everything was going my way until he started showing his true powers.

Duplication, Ghost shields, teleportation and ecto blasts.

I was furious. 

He had been holding back our whole battle.

I watched as he smirked.

He was planning something.

Something that I was sure I wouldn’t like.

I growled.

He smiled.

We had been fighting for hours now.

Which was when he suddenly vanished.

I looked everywhere for him but I didn’t find him again.

Or at least I didn’t until right when I was about to leave.

He landed on the FAV Right as I exited Vlad’s mansion.

“Oh. Madeline. Leaving so soon?” Wisconsin Ghost chuckled darkly.

I glared at him.

“What do you want ghost?” I snarled.

“If I told you it would no longer be fun.” Wisconsin Ghost purred before leaping off the FAV like a feline and stalking up to me.
I backed away and he followed until I was cornered.

“How about we make a deal?” The Wisconsin Ghost said sweetly.

I narrowed my eyes.

“I’ll tell you everything you want about ghosts and I’ll even let you try some experiments on me as a treat. But. You have to spend the night with me.” Wisconsin Ghost grinned.

I frowned.

“Or I could just kill you right now. You are cornered.” The Wisconsin Ghost laughed.

I sighed.

I didn’t have a choice did I?

I looked into the ghost’s eyes and it smiled.

“Fine.” I grunted.

The Wisconsin Ghost then scooped me up and brought me to a room.

It was lavish and had many odd bits and bobs.

Most of it being ghost junk.

Actually the room seemed to be like a partial trophy room mixed in with an actual room.

I looked around curiously as the ghost put me down.

“Like my treasures?” The Wisconsin Ghost purred.

I huffed and sat down.

“So. What does a ghost want with a human? If not to kill me?” I asked the Wisconsin Ghost.

The Wisconsin Ghost stared at me like a wolf starving for a meal.

“What do you think?” The Wisconsin Ghost answered.

I froze.

“You.. You wish to.. Have sex with me?” I asked with a tremble.
Wisconsin Ghost just grinned.

“I won’t force you but.. I’d be willing to sacrifice things for it.” Wisconsin Ghost told me earnestly.

I narrowed my eyes.

One QuarterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora