Always Foes Never Friends

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Sonic dodge out of the way before spin dashing at his opponent. Once the bot was finally destroyed, he finally got a full view at what Eggman cooked up for him this time.

It was a decent sized robot. Wasn't too big but it was far from small either. Its weapons were easily visible as guns and spikes covered the whole body. With all the spikes that covered it, Sonic won't be able to just spin dash at it.

"You like what you see? Take a good look, Sonic! This machine will be the one that finally puts an end to your pathetic life!" Eggman broke into a fit of laughter at the thought of finally getting rid of his biggest obstacle.

Sonic wasn't able to reply to Eggman before the robot charged straight at him. The hedgehog tried to jump overhead the robot, but its spikes were long which caused them to scratch at Sonic's leg.

He hissed at the pain and looked at the damage done. It wasn't a particularly deep cut which Sonic supposes is fortunate. Though the cut did cause him to falter leaving the robot an opening to strike.

Sonic held up his arms to lessen the impact of the hit. The Robot's hit never came. He looked up to see what the issue was. It was Tails.

Tails had managed to hit a solid blow on the bot with his tails. He was proud of himself for being able to save Sonic. Now Sonic has to realize how useful he can be to him. (Right?)

"TAILS?!" Hearing his name called out from above him, Tails turned his head to look at Eggman.

"And here I thought you were dead. But rest assured! Today I'll finally put an end to you!"

Just as Eggman finished his sentence, the robot from before stood up and began to charge at him. He used his tails to propel himself up. Successfully dodging.

While Tails was busy trying to take down the bot, Sonic was contemplating what to do. Having Tails join the fight was the one thing Sonic wanted to avoid. He didn't want his brother fighting anymore. To throw away his childhood. He will contemplate this later. Right now, he had to take care of the issue.

Once Sonic joined the fight, Tails and him were able to move in sync. As if they've never drifted apart. Tails loved the feeling of fighting alongside his brother.

Sonic was horrified.

This feeling only intensified every time Tails was ever close to being hit. Sonic swears that his heart was racing faster than he can run. It finally came to a stop though. Just not in the way he wished.

The Robot and Eggman were getting sick and tired of their antics. Eggman helped his minion out by throwing a small bomb at Tails. Luckily, he was able to move out of the way before it exploded but he unintentionally set himself in the perfect position for the bot to punch him. Tails was sent flying back.

Sonic's heart halted. His blood ran cold. He never wanted to have Tails get hurt. Without any second thought, Sonic aimed himself at Eggman and launched himself full force. The doctor was taken aback by the sudden attack and had no time to dodge. The impact caused the eggmobile to shatter which destroyed the control panel for the Robot. Before Sonic could begin to fight Eggman head on, movement could be heard behind him.

"WOW! You've gotten a lot stronger since the last time we fought together!" Tails' voice only contained wonder and admiration. No hint of any discomfort. Sonic ran towards his buddy.

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Sonic yelled out. The hedgehog paid no mind to the escaping doctor. He'll finish the job another time. For now, Tails needed his full attention.

"Huh?" Tails muttered out. The fox was confused as to why he was being yelled at.

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY BEHIND! WHERE IT WAS SAFE!" Sonic was too deep into his panic to calm himself down. For 3 years he avoided his brother just so he could be safe.

Times That We HadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ