You can see things in other things

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Djerek's POV -
So anyways, me and Sophia became good friends. Sophia was a great help, since she was more smarter than me and also more crazy than me. Like, I say this literally, Sophia feels like she isn't human sometimes. She jumps up and down on the benches, it's a good thing she's short in height or else her head would be stuck in the ceiling fan. Not in one piece though,

As pure red juice.

Damn it Soph, I'm the narrator! Let me narrate!

Well I wanna narrate too! But honestly, the ceiling does look like it can use a good paint job. What do you think of red ceilings?

I don't think of red ceilings, neither do I wanna. Let's just continue. Wow, now i don't even feel like continuing, *laughs* why do you always ruin the mood?

I just like to. Ok you sit down and I'll narrate.

Ahem. Ah-hehhhem. So, what happened next was I caught some stray fifth graders and painted the ceiling red-

Thank you for your time, see you later, bye!

Don't end it. Obviously I'm not gonna catch fifth grade kids to grind their brains!

I know! Can u please just keep it family friendly? This is a sincere request.

Hmm, Fine.

So anyways, afterwards, monkeys attacked the school and everybody went hungry.

Wait, why were all of us hungry?

Because the monkeys ate our tiffins.

*Facepalms* Have you brought only bananas in your tiffin?


For the life of me, I haven't. I'm also afraid of anyone who has, and it's clear that no living, humane, sane, functioning human will ever do that. And aren't we all going to be panicking first that the school is filled with monkeys?

Some of us might.

*Facepalms harder* You think any normal kid in this school, will be more worried about going hungry than being attacked by monkeys?!?!

Hahaha, yes.

Consider an average Joe. His school is overrun by monkeys. The best response is not to fight the monkeys, not run away from them, not call the forest department, no, the best response is to sit hungry in the lunch room, because monkeys ate your tiffin, in which you bought bananas and only bananas. Not one banana fits in your tiffin box, but somehow you managed to bring so many bananas every single monkey got atleast one, because you must've bought 36 dozen bananas in your pocket. And you were going to eat these 36 dozen bananas and only these 36 dozen bananas!

*Dies of laughter*

Your crush is calling you to share his food, in which he bought tasty spicy chow mein, but you can't eat it because you have to eat 36 dozen bananas! You could've got a chance to talk to him, but you have to eat 36 dozen bananas. Your crush can wait. Then there's me, your poor old Djerek, whose tiffin you gotta finish because he doesn't wanna eat it, but no, you won't even help out a good friend, because you're busy eating 36 dozen bananas.

*Dies again of laughter*

There's more than 120000 kids in our school. Even if you gave everyone a microscopic size, your 36 dozen bananas would get finished. But no, this is what you brought and this is what you're eating.

*Struggling to breath* wait wait wait lemme expand on that now*laughs*. Ok, so, you're, I mean, I am sitting in the food court, all hungry because monkeys stole my 36 dozen bananas that I was gonna eat. So I'm hungry, and when I'm hungry I'm angry, so I decide to*whispers*. You tell it to them in your style.

So, your hungry. Your hungry, so you're angry. Angry means your temperature is high. The air conditioning can't even compare to the heat you're giving out. You raise the temperature of North America by 900 F. The monkeys burn to death.

Yay!*laughs* yay we killed the monkeys and got our revenge for our lost, poor, loving 36 dozen bananas.
But we actually also caused the death of everyone else. Everyone died. Only Sophia the heat monster exists. When Sophia is in heat, she heats up everything.

But, there exists Laws of Thermodynamics. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred.
So, while Sophia the heat monster is in heat, she heats up North America,

while Africa freezes to death.
Imagine the Afrikaans singing like "Awimowe awimowe Awimowe" in a hot lazy African morning, and then suddenly temperature drops from 90 C to -90 C in two milliseconds, these guys would just straight up become statues. Ice statues.

You've heard of Japanese Ice Festival, now get ready for African Ice festivals! We have the best sculptors in the world.
They turned THEMSELVES into statues, what master of sculpture! And then, as this continues, Sophia wakes up from a sleep caused by her lack of want to dress fashionably or even sensibly as her legs were so overexposed to the cold they became ice, and her hands and body were so underexposed that it felt like the entire sun was packed into her sweater. This is why you dress sensibly.

Please wear normal clothes tomorrow.

I'm planning a ball gown tomorrow, in the morning and a bugs bunny outfit in the evening.

Sophisticated Sophia by morning, Bugs bunny by night.

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