Scene #3: A Warm Welcome

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{ A/N: Christopher's power is to induce fear into the minds of his victims and it will be portrayed as like giving them some sort of nightmare in a way. Sort of like Jayme's power but no...? Yea sorry for the bad description but I hope you enjoy <3 }

"Okay, what the hell is going on here?!" Luther looks at Five and as he whisper yells. "I thought you said it'd be like nothing ever happened!"

"Oh shut up Luther! You think this is my fault?!" Five laughs dryly as he runs a hand through his hair. "I wasn't planning on my idiotic family messing up history!"

"B-Ben?" Klaus walks a few steps forward towards his once dead brother.  "How?" He turns to his siblings. "Does anyone else see him?" He looks at them for an answer but only ends up being ignored.

Five rolls his eyes. "Well, we aren't needed here so time to go." He salutes in a sassy way and grabs Klaus before space jumping outside.

Reginald nods at Christopher who uses his power on Five.

In the space jump, Five's mind starts changing so that he's back at the apocalypse. However, this time it looked different.

"The hell?!"

Once outside the Academy, he lets go of his siblings, the apocalypse still in his sight.

He finds himself in the middle of nowhere, six tombstones in front of him. Each with his siblings' names engraved.

"No... no, no, no, no, no... NO!" His breathing turns rapid and he has an exasperated expression as he puts his hands on his head. "I stopped it, this can't be happening." He looks around for an explanation.

Allison is the first to react. "Five? What are you talking about?"

Diego looks towards where Five's gaze is. "I don't know what he's looking at but-... wait is he... is he crying?"

The siblings look at Five with a shocked expression. They don't recall ever seeing him cry. He was the toughest one out of all of them if they were being honest.

Five kneels in front of the tombstones, sobbing. "Please, I can't do this anymore! I can't spend another day here!" He folds his hands into fists, a dark blue glow surrounding them.

"Fivey...? SNAP OUT OF IT!" Klaus slaps him as hard as he can. "Owie! That burns."

"Ah, shit!" Five looks at Klaus with anger before his expression softens. "Klaus?!" He looks around in confusion. "You're... you're here! What ha-" He feels a presence behind him and turns to the Academy's entrance.

Reginald was standing outside with a floating cube next to him. His expression showed a hint of smugness.

The Umbrella Academy looked back at their childhood home. They knew it was time to leave.

"Uh, guys I don't quite know what's going on but I think we should go somewhere else" suggests Vanya.

"Come on, we should go," States Luther.

Five grabs their arms and teleports to the first place in his mind. A bar.

It was empty, a rare sight for any bar really. Nevertheless, questioning it didn't exactly catch their interest.

"What are we doing here?" Diego turns to Five for an explanation but he only sits down on a stool as a response.

"I need a drink."

Diego slams a fist on the bar. "The hell you do!" He points at Five as he talks. "We just time traveled back to the year we left from and come to find five adults and our dead brother with a fucking flying tesseract! AND apparently they are part of another academy that our supposed father created?! Not to mention, HE'S NOT DEAD!"

Five looks at him with an annoyed expression and replies. "Congratulations, Diego. All wonderful observations but I think we noticed that too!" Before Five could keep talking, the bartender shows up.

"Umm, I don't mean to interrupt but we don't allow kids here."

The bell on the entrance door dings as the door opens.

"Oh please, don't start giving me shit about this again. I've done this plenty of times before." Says a voice from behind them.

The siblings looked at the two people that had just walked in with their own weird/confused facial expression.

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