Xmas Special - Legend of The Angels

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Snowdrops fall down onto a small town.

Outside a town hall, a small Christmas display has been made, behind the little baby Jesus are two stone statues, that look like Angels.

A man runs past the display and over towards a small building.

Running inside, the man looks around inside a Sheriff's station and says "Sheriff Diyon!".

Sheriff Diyon walks out, he has a name badge on that says 'Sheriff Richard Diyon'.
Richard says "in gods name what's all this shouting for Frank?" Frank looks at Richard "it happened! I saw it!" Richard says "saw what?" Frank says "the statues, they moved! They're coming for me" Richard sighs "listen, go home, I'm sick of all this moving statue crap, go home, stop wasting my time!".
Richard turns his back, but then hears a door slam shut, as he turns around, he sees Frank gone.

Running outside, Frank looks around but sees nobody around, Frank then turns down an alleyway, until he lays his eyes on one of the statues of an Angel.
Frank stares in shock "no, please! Not me, NOT NOW!".

Frank turns around, but he sees another statue of an Angel.
Frank stares in shock until he then blinks. 

Down the alleyway, the two Angels stand there smiling as Frank is nowhere to be seen. 

(Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor
Aiysha Hart - Kathy Yates

The Tardis materialises beside a small church, it's night. 

Kathy steps out and she shivers. 
Kathy says "Christmas!". 
The Doctor joins Kathy and he smiles "oh I love Christmas".
Kathy nods at him "me too!". 

The Doctor then sniffs the air.

The Doctor looks around and he says "hmm-".
Kathy sighs and says "oh, don't start! What's caught your attention?".
The Doctor says "look around".
Kathy nods at him and says "I have, it's dark".
The Doctor shakes his head "you said it earlier, it's Christmas, yet...do you see anyone?".
Kathy then says "um, no?".
The Doctor looks over at a Sheriff's Station and says "over there, come on". 

The Doctor and Kathy run past the small Christmas display with the little baby Jesus and two stone statues, that look like Angels.

The Doctor and Kathy enter the Sheriff's Station, and The Doctor says "hello?". 
Sheriff Diyon walks over and says "evening sir, how may I help you?" The Doctor says "I was just curious as to why it's so quiet outside, isn't it Christmas?" Sheriff Diyon sighs and says "don't get me started with all the chaos going on outside-" The Doctor smiles "what chaos?" Sheriff Diyon rolls his eyes and says "we've had people going missing in the town, people are convinced that they're seeing statues...moving statues-".
The Doctor's face drops into shock and says "moving statues? Do they look like Angels?" Sheriff Diyon nods "well yeah, they're stood over near the Christmas display just outside near the church-".
Kathy then watches The Doctor zoom past her and run outside. 
Kathy looks at Sheriff Diyon and says "he's a professional with this stuff, trust me".

Outside, The Doctor stands near the Christmas display holding his Sonic and scanning the display. 
Kathy says "so? Alien display?". 
Kathy notices The Doctor staring and not replying, Kathy says "Doctor?".
Sherrif Diyon runs over and says "what are you up to?".
The Doctor says "Sheriff, Kathy...stand beside me and look at this".
Kathy walks over and stands beside The Doctor, and so does Sheriff Diyon. Kathy and Sheriff Diyon stares at two Statues that look like Angels. 
The Doctor says "both of you, listen to me, when I say...all three of us are going to blink at the same time, got it?" Sheriff Diyon says "gladly, I'm happy to put all this stupid nonsense to rest".
The Doctor nods and says "now!". 

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