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I was startled by a phone alarm ringing so loud. I reached over to the side table and turned it off. I checked my phone and there were at least a hundred missed calls. I quickly answered the next call.

Trixie: [tiredly] hello?


Violet: didn't I tell you to come home?!

Pearl: you could've died!

Adore: Do you know how worried we were?!

I waited for all of them to stop talking over each other and calm down. As soon as it was quiet, I started talking.

Trixie: I'm fine.

Violet: where are you? we'll pick you up.

I looked over to the notepad on the side table and stared at the familiar logo.

Trixie: I'm still at the hotel


Pearl: ouch, that's gonna be expensive

Trixie: no no no, I didn't check-in

Katya: [groans]

Adore: WHO'S THAT?!

Trixie: I'm fine, I'll be home today I promise

Violet: Trixie you better come home now-

I ended the call before they start yelling again. I looked over to Katya who was barely awake.

Trixie: good morning

I went and cuddled into her again. Let's just say we had too much fun last night. She ran her cold hand down my thigh.

Katya: Did you sleep well?

Trixie: mhm

Katya: I had fun last night

Trixie: [softly] me too

Katya: I'm gonna take a shower

She stood up and stretched, she was only wearing a pair of panties, everything else is out for me to see. She opened the bathroom door and turned to me

Katya: you coming?

I hurried out of the bed and into the bathroom with her.


I took a deep breath before entering the apartment, I just KNOW I'm about to get yelled at again.


Adore: who was that on the phone?

Trixie: that was no one

Pearl: tell us everything!

Trixie: maybe next time, okay? So, what are we up to today?

They got me all caught up in the next plan. To be honest, I was barely listening. I still couldn't get the noises Katya and I made out of my head.


Trixie: mhm, yeah then take a right

I'm back in my station. I guess I'm never meant to be the Kitty, I couldn't handle it. I'm currently looking at Violet through the club's security cameras. I just LOVE being here. We're back to our usual setup. Violet's the Kitty, which means that she'll do all the talking and baiting. Kim is the driver, responsible for renting FABULOUS cars and keeping them scratch-free. Pearl is the lookout, she is more focused on what is happening around the club, she observes and makes sure NO ONE clocks us. Adore is the distraction, kinda like Pearl, but she's more focused on Violet and is ready to back her up when things go wrong. And I am the hacker, I am the eyes all over the club. I see every inch of it so my job is to tell them where to go if ever they need to leave ASAP. Even though my job is a bit boring at times, I like it here. We all like the thrill of escaping, the difference is the girls love it when it's in real life. I only like it when it's in video games because I get to repeat the game when things go south.

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