espresso's doing

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A/N:nsosnne picture took by me when I was with my friend who also played cookie run kingdom soo he might write some stuff bc my fingers would be dying:))
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Espresso pov:

Espresso went outside the house more early since he doesn't sleep madeleine kept telling espresso to sleep but wouldn't listen it's 4:57am and there was some people helping him

"Ok so I need the chairs there and the flowers over there can we buy some sunflowers and a bouquet of sunflowers?" Espresso told

"yes sir all of the stuff will be coming do not worry and mont blanc told me that your suit is already the white suit" The assistance said

"Hm.Alright thanks you may go help with the others now and thank you again for helping pastry" Espresso told

"Yes no problem I shall get going now" Pastry told and went to the workers helping with the chairs and making sure everything is perfect espresso looked and think this might be the most important thing in his life

As he had read many many many books about romance and he would want to experience it again with the 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 lover
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As a few hours past it was 10:57am and espresso didn't see the flowers yet he went to pastry and asked "pastry where's the sunflowers??"

"I'm truly sorry but someone in the market already took it when I told the cashier to hold it.." Pastry told and espresso sighed
"It's alright you can go back to work you will still get paid don't worry" Espresso told

"I will I'm truly sorry sir espresso" Pastry said and pastry went to work but then stopped
"Wait sir espresso but there is a shop near by probably they have alot of sunflowers" Pastry said

"Oh alright I'll go just tell the people to work and put all of the chairs and the food thank you"
Espresso told and went
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Espresso got to the flower shop and checked out the flowers and found the sunflowers he needed
"These please" Giving the sunflowers and the sunflower bouquet

"Alright 178 and 99 cents please" Told the cashier giving espresso a smile and espresso gave the money and waved then went out
Then as he was walking he saw cream puff and espresso needed a flower girl

"Cream puff!" Espresso yelled a bit getting creams puff attention
"Yes espresso??" Asked cream puff "wellllll I need a favorr and I was hoping you could help.please." Espresso asked

"Hmm it will cost you" Cream said "how much" Espresso asked "45 dollars" Cream told giving a '^^' look espresso didn't mind since it was cheap for him

"Here" Espresso said getting the money out of his wallet and giving it to cream puff "thank you!where do I go"she asked

"Just follow the path and you will see people working and pastry I believe you met her before" Espresso says
"I haven't but ok!bye bye espressooo" Cream puff told following the path

And espresso just followed as he was walking he saw Madeleine with mont and latte espresso saw Madeleine thinking about him
Madeleine saw him giving a small wave and

Espresso just gave him a wink and Madeleine blushed a bit but then latte said something so Madeleine ran to mont and latte
Espresso smiled and chuckled a bit then followed the path to the wedding

Life with him..<3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu