Chapter 10

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Esme’s POV

    The shuttle van jostled on the bumpy road, I was on the way to the airport with my mom in front with the surly driver and Aileen beside me. I could hear my two big suitcases sliding around in the trunk, my carry-on on my lap slowly being crushed as I hugged it to death. This is it. I thought to myselfas the van screeched to a halt. The driver grumbled something at my mom who had spent the whole trip uncomfortably sitting next to him in silence and then nervously handed him some money. He took it, grunted and thumped out of the car, my mom followed him outside, as did Aileen and I. He flung the suitcases onto the sidewalk and rocketed away. I grabbed my carry-on and found myself in front of a huge, pale gray building with a glass roof.


I stepped through the large glass doors of the airport , to find myself in the biggest building I had ever seen. Sunlight streamed in through the glass ceiling onto a white tile floor bustling with people. My mom and Aileen pushed through the door with my suitcases and rushed towards the nearest cart dumping them on it.

“What does she have in here? Bricks?” I heard my mom ask Aileen panting.

I giggled and swung my carry-on as Aileen replied with a groan,


“Just a couple!” I yelled over my shoulder. “I got to be ready for whatever they throw at me! This school is seriously advanced!” skipping over to the check in counter.

“Did you guys switch personalities or something?” my mom asked Aileen.

“Maybe, but she’s not me yet! Not until she’s met a luggage cart.” Aileen gripped the luggage cart tightly and ran full speed towards to where I was heading. Expertly dodging all the terrified people she jumped on at the last moment and came to a perfect sliding stop in front of the flustered lady at the counter, with me running behind her.

“Uh... could you not do that please, you’re disturbing the other people.” the check in lady asked.

“I WIN!” she screamed maniacally ignoring the lady, her best evil laugh echoing throuout the airport.

“Shhh! People are staring!” I scolded her, as the scattered people slowly backed away they’re eyes wide.

“And there’s the Esmé we know, Mrs.Valdez! Good as new!” Aileen said as if advertising, then to the lady at the counter she said, “We have one ticket to London for Esme Valdez age 13 with two bags and a carry-on all paid for by a scholarship to Ornund Academy. Here’s her passport, and ticket.” Aileen said doing everything as if she was the overly cheery mom I never had.

“Alright can you put your bags here so we can weigh them, please?” she said and as I was about to put  them on the conveyor belt I heard people yell “WAIT!!!” I turned around and saw almost everyone I knew burst through the door. Hundreds, or at least it seemed like, of people crowded around me.

“You can’t leave without saying good-bye!” said my friend Miranda head of the math team, hugging me. Some people were handing me going away presents while others were trying to hopelessly stuff theirs into my already exploding suitcases.

Mrs. Birmingham tottered over to me, teary-eyed she said ”We’re going to miss you Esmé Valdez! Good luck!”

My mom handed me my ticket, boarding pass, passport and carry-on. “I have to go guys, see you when I get back!”

“Bye!” they all chorused as I gave my mom and Aileen one last hug and headed for security.

    Off to Ornund Academy! The picture is of Miranda. Hope you enjoyed it! Vote, comment, fan!

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