He put all of his arms up. "I have nothing to do with this. I didn't want to ask questions."

"No, I know you have no say in that. I was just wondering if you heard me." I explained.

"Arisu I can make all my limbs into ears if I want to but I don't. I usually have just two...My point is yeah, I could."  He admitted.

"Well I tried to be quiet." I shrugged.

"Then what happened?" Mina asked again.

"Nothing happened! We just talked about something personal." I repeated myself.

"Well- well then when did you even leave? How did you leave?" Uraraka brought her point up again.

"Ochaco, what's my quirk again?" I asked her.

"Teleportation-oh." She realized what she was saying.

"Yeah, 'oh.' I heard him come back, I went to go ask him what's going on, we talked about something personal, I teleported back to my room." I mapped each action I talked about with my hands.

It's like everyone is trying to watch my every move or something.

Back at school we had an assembly that I slept through. It was for the first day of the new semester and to try and tackle the multiple elephants in the room about all the changes being made. From the dorms, to All Might, to whatever happened last night. That's just what I was told when I woke up. I knew it was something I was already expecting.

We made it back to homeroom and Aizawa started his usual lecture. "Let's see...Starting today, you'll be continuing normal classes. There have been an unprecedented number of incidents lately, but it's time to shift back and fulfill your duties as students. Today you'll be limited to classroom lectures only. However, there will be even tougher training later in the semester."

Mina whispered something to Tsu, but Aizawa saw her talking and interrupted.

"Yes, Ashido?" he demanded, rather than questioned.

Mina quickly shut up as Tsu raised her hand.

"Excuse me sensei, during the opening ceremony, they mentioned something called a 'hero internship'. Could you tell us about that?"


"Actually, yeah, principal Nezu did say something like that." I overheard Sero mumble.

"I was a bit curious too..." Tokoyami added on.

"He said that a number of upperclassmen are currently taking part in it." Yaomomo said.

So when I asked what I missed while I was asleep all of you just left that part out? The only thing I'd care about? And could probably explain to you. You're all losers, how do you leave out the most crucial part.

"I intended to talk about that another day, but I suppose." Aizawa started. "I guess talking about it sooner would be more logical. To put it simply, it entails 'hero activities outside of school.' It's like the workplace experience you had with the pro-heroes before, but this is the real deal."

"Then what did we work so hard for during the Sports Festival!?" Uraraka spoke up.

"The hero internships will use the connections you gained from the scouts that you acquired during the Sports Festival." Aizawa continued explaining. "This is an optional activity for students that is not linked to your classes. If anything, if you weren't chosen during the Sports Festival, it'll be difficult to take part in. Originally, each hero office would individually recruit, but to pull in students from U.A. they started bickering. So this method was created. Got it? Then sit down."

My Past, Present, and Future [Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz