Part 1

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Like Charlie Chaplin said, life it's just a dramatic piece, and each one of us needs to find their character.

The thing they don't teach us, maybe because of its corrupted nature, is that we can choose what role we can play. Yes, maybe our life it's hugely determined by our social circumstances and biological factual problems, but we should not give in to the prosperous script our society dictate us to be.

At the end of the day, gender performativity is still a thing.

"You are a woman"

"You should act more feminine"

People tend to search for what they don't have. This statement can be aplyed for searching a mate or even consumerism. Wealth tends to be directly correlated with a prosperous life and is wanted by everyone, even those who have all the conditions needed in order to live a good life. No wonder why we, as human being, we are so obsessed with our appearances.

Capitalists have the power to manipulate the perceptions of reality of their consumers. The relevance falls into our psychological patterns, not only on our physical needs. In other words, they are excellent manipulators hungry for power and wealth.

But, even if it may sound strange, this' not something entirely bad. It's not my fault peoples' ideas are so vague and simple that it makes it so surprisingly easy to alter.

It's delightful to know you are above almost everyone you know, don't you agree?

Who said hard work will have better results and be more valued by our citizens ?

Most of them don't even know what you are doing nor they will give their attention to you unless you have something to offer.

The same goes out for art. 

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