Chapter one - the fall

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Fionn sighed for the 3rd time in roughly 30 minutes. His day was starting to become repetitive, and quite annoying. It was the 5th time he was met with a dark soul, and he didn't exactly know what to do with it. The first option presented to Fionn was to start over and create a new one, but that would quickly bite him in the ass. The second was to try and purify it, but that would take a while and a lot of supplies he didn't have. Not wanting to deal with the consequences of the first one, he settled for scavenging to find the various things he would need.

It wasn't as hard as it seems; just a few plants only found in Purgatory plus some things in the mortal realm. Of course, the plants in purgatory only grew in one specific place. And to make it more complicated, the way to that place was very obscure. Hopefully, Fionn would remember it by the time he arrived in purgatory. He did, however, remember the exact plants he needed.

First, Fionn had to make sure the dark souls wouldn't cause trouble. Fionn sealed them into these glass jars with a spell, a relatively simple one. It kept the destructive nature of the souls at peace until the purification could begin. Which was weird coming from Life's end.

Life would be expected to be peaceful and calm, right? Well in fact, it was the opposite. Life was full of chaos and destruction, it's the very reason humans are made. The only peace one could get was death, the eternal rest. There were no worries or stress when you're dead. When you're alive, there are many things that you have to watch out for. Fionn didn't see what the problem was. Truth be told, he lived for chaos.

Once the souls were sealed, Fionn began to make his way to the realm of souls. He had a special door made just for getting in and out of purgatory, one that he made sure no other entity knew about. The door looked like an ordinary tree, tall and beautiful. A symbol was carved on the trunk just tall enough for Fionn to touch. And when his hand made contact with the symbol, the tree opened its trunk into a door-ish shape.

Trip from that tree to the land of the dead was a short one. Coincidentally, it also happened to jog his memory. Fionn seemed to remember where the path was that led to a very special lake. There, he would find the plants he needed.

Fionn started on his short walk to the lake. The scenery around him was much similar to that of his home, trees and wildlife all around him. Though the wildlife there was strange, to put it nicely. Still, Fionn found them beautiful.

Once he had found the lake, at short last, he began to look for the very specific plants he needed. He grabbed a strand of cattail leaf and used it to create a basket, seeing as he forgot to bring it with him on his little journey. As he picked the purple flowers that grew in clusters, he looked over to the small body of water. He would have to cross the rock path to grab a few of the plants in the water, and he made a mental note to watch his step. A few of the rocks looked slippery. Fionn shrugged it off and continued to grab the flowers.

Once his basket was halfway full, he walked to the edge of the lake where the stone path began. He hastily looked down at his own reflection, seeing his freckled face stare back at him with wide eyes. He took a step forward onto the first rock, then slowly stepped on the second.

By the third step, his shoe made contact with the moss while all his weight was put on his leg. The pressure caused his foot to slip, which led to him falling into the water, not without hitting his head on the rock. So he drifted into the water, unconscious and helpless, while no one was there to help him.

Moments before Fionn's fall, Ren walked through the entrance with a bag full of souls. He greeted the demons at the front desk, as usual, and continued to walk into the forest of purgatory. As soon as he was far enough in, he released the souls into their new environment before judgment.

He made sure all the souls were gone before he closed his bag, because a few mischievous souls were known to sneak their way back in. When he turned around to leave, a familiar pull tugged at his chest.

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