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Verona highschool was a horrible place for everyone, one because it was in Italy, two because of the Capulets and Montagues. Two families who used to be nobility, but long ago lost their titles. That happened with the deaths of the first Romeo and Juliet. I'm sure you know their stories. This is not that, I can tell you that much. Their story is one of two foolish teenagers who killed themself after knowing each other for three days. After they killed themselves, the Lord Montague and Lord Capulet's titles were stripped and they were no longer noble. Montague found a new wife in no time, and the Capulet's...well let's just say they didn't delay in baby making.

They both had sons funnily enough, and by the 1800s the statues of Romeo and Juliet were long gone. Everyone forgot about them it seems, and the cycle started all over again. So now we have Juliet Capulet the VI and Romeo Montague the III, spring chickens that aren't even Juniors yet. What do they know of love? Well, they seem to think they know pretty much everything.

Don't worry friends, this isn't a tragic love story of two straight losers who die. In fact, this isn't even a tragedy.

"Greg!" Sam moans, catching his breath. The two boys' parents worked in the Capulet mansion, so they lived there.

"Hey," Greg says.

"Mark my word, we won't tolerate their insults! Do you know what Mr Capulet told me to do? Take out the trash! Do I look like a garbage man to you?" Sam snarls.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?" Greg laughs.

"What I mean is, if we are angry, we'll shoot them," Sam exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air.

"This isn't America, we can't go around shooting anyone we like," Greg exclaimed.

"Right, but I'm sure anyone would find no problem killing a bitch Montague," Sam cheers.

Greg rolls his eyes. "The fight isn't between us, or our parents. It's between the Montagues and Capulets. I don't understand how it's so important to everyone."

"It's interesting," Sam shrugs.

"You're missing the point as always-"

"Greg, look!" Sam screams.

Coming from the opposite side of town, Abram and a couple of his friends are walking from the Montague house.

"Oh no, I guess you're gonna have to flip him off," Greg says sarcastically.

"You're absolutely right!" Sam giggles, not understanding sarcasm at all. He looks over to Abram and just sticks up his middle finger.

"What the fuck?" Abram snarls, "Are you flipping me off?"

"Nah, I just like to hold my middle finger in the air sometimes. Don't worry about it," Sam said.

Greg put his arms around his boyfriend like that one scene in scream. "Are you trying to fight us Abram?"

"No!" Abram said nervously, "Of course not!"

"Well our parents work in the Capulet mansion, so we'd beat you in a fight," Greg sneers.

"Well, the Montague's are just as good as the Capulet's," Abram said, crossing his arms.

Sam sucks in his teeth aggressively. Greg right hooks Abram in the nose. "Greg! We're gonna get in trouble!"


The Capulets and Montagues were absolutely bloodlying each other up. "Oh my god," Benvolio said, rubbing his temples. Mercutio gets his phone out. "Stop, Mercutio. I have a duty to stop this stupid fight."

"You really don't, you just wanna suck my Uncle's dick," Mercutio said, zooming in.

Benvolio flips him off and runs into the fight. "Break it up, you idiots! Do you even know what you're doing?"

Tybalt scoffs. "I can't believe you Benvolio! Are you fighting with these idiots? Look at me, I'll kill you," Tybalt says, crossing his arms.

"Tybalt, I'm trying to stop this fight. Can you not right now?" Benvolio snaps.

"You're yelling at me and talking about peace? I hate peace like I hate Montagues! Fight me coward!" Tybalt says and then punches Benvolio in the face.

A bunch of people crowd around the fight. The principal sighs and pushes everyone away. Tybalt pushes Benvolio off him and Mercutio shoves his phone back into his pocket.

"You idiotic teenagers! You're disrespecting each other and me by fighting almost every day! Are you even listening to me? Three times in the last week, on school property or in the streets you idiots have gotten into fights. Why? Because of some idiotic rivalry from forever ago? If you ever fight again, I will expel you. Mark my fucking words," The principal snarls.

"Damn, that got pretty real just then," Mercutio said breathily.

The principal shoots Mercutio a look. "I'm going to tell your mother about this." Mercutio looked like he's about to cry, because his mom was a MILF and would kick his ass for this.

"Yeah, whatever," Benvolio said, "I have calc in five minutes, bye."

"Bye bitch, tell me if you ever see Romeo," Mercutio yelled.

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