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Fiona's Diary
August 13th 2019,

Smithen highschool, full of social hierarchy and teenage hormones sounds like your normal highschool right? Wrong. Here there are four students that rule the entire school including the staff. Everyone is so scared of them I saw someone bow at their feet once. Let me introduce you to the students in question. Bianca Johnson aka Bunnie, the school's sweetheart who can have anyone on their knees in 0.5 seconds with a single glance. Marsh aka moose,the student president and the schools mystery boy rumor has it he has never smiled in his life. Beyn aka bear, the definition of looks can be deceiving everyone else see bianca's other half while I see the boy who broke the arm of the boy who called Bianca a whore. Last but not least Willam aka wolf, his mom is apparently banging the principal and that's why he didn't get suspended for almost putting that boy in a coma during freshman year nobody know why he attacked to this day. The dream as I would like to call them the team I plan on joining this school year and your probably wondering 'Fiona how are you going to do that if no in the school knows who you are'  my answer to you is I'm playing the long game and the first step to that game is babysitting Brooklyn... Bianca's little sister.
A/n: hey I hope y'all liked the first part of this story please help me get better by pming me (also if you just want to talk I'm available almost always) I'll come up with a schedule and try to post more see y'all raindrops later -Cloudie<3

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