From youth to young adult life

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It had been 5 years since Kanaya's birth and things were perfect till she showed her affinity for magic. It was at this time she was to meet with the Breton magic counsel as all young Bretons are testing for there magic. As Kanaya and her mother waited as a few other children came out she was put into a group with 4 other children one was a snobby brat and the other 3 were triplets and they were nice to her and they talked and played till there group had been called in. "Don't worry sweetie you'll be fine" Giniana said to her as she nudged her forward with the others.

The quintet entered the room that had high ranking Breton mages sitting around the room each representing a different school of magic. "Hello young ones we are the Mages Counsel and we are here to see your affinity for each school of magic we will all teach you basic spells in each school." A elderly man said he was kind and after he had said that a group of mages came down and taught each child basic spells such as Healing Hands,Calm,Magelight,Flame and Conjure Familiar. "Um sir what will we test these spells on." Kanaya asked her voice quietly and with some shyness. "Excellent question my dear you'll be using these on skeevers." The old man had said as they brought out quite a few cages with skeevers inside. "So we're gonna hurt them?" Kanaya asked with worry hating the idea of harming the creatures. "Yes but don't worry they won't die and plus there going to be taken care of." The elderly man said which put Kanaya's heart at ease.

First to be tested of the group was the snobby brat she believed his name was Peeves. He was having trouble with most of the spells minus the flame spell which he eventually lost control of and ended up catching one of the mages on fire. Who thankful was put out quickly by someone using a water spell. Next was one of triplets the girl named Lilac she showered skill in the healing magic. Next was her brother Brutus who was skilled with the Magelight spell and the last of the three the smaller brother Titus who was skilled with the fire magic. Lastly it was Kanaya's turn and she was confused on which spell to do first and casted both the conjuring and calm spell. A round of gasps could be heard as she had dual casted the spells multiple times. "Young one who taught you how to dual cast magic and how do you at such a young age have so much magicka reserves." The elderly man said astonished with the child's skill. "No one and I've always had this large magicka." Kanaya said fearing she had done something wrong. "Please try the other spells now." With that she tried the other spells her flames were more like little poofs of smoke and her healing was good but it always ended short of completely healing and Magelight she tried casting a few times with no luck till bout the 9th try. "You may go we will ask that you tell your mother to come in here my dear." The elderly man had said with a smile and with that Kanaya went to her mother and hugged her.

"Mama they want to speck with you." Kanaya said as she pulled away from the hug. "Alrighty my love I'll go speck to them you wait here." With that Giniana went into the hall to speck to the mages.

"You asked to speck with me?" Giniana said feeling uneasy with all these mages bout that were going to talk bout her daughter. "You're Daughter Kanaya was it where did she learn her magic skills also where did she get that unusual magicka reserves?" The Elderly man had asked staring Giniana up and down. "Her father, he was a vary good mage from what I know." Giniana said not willing to say who her father was exactly. "What was his name madam?". "I do not know sir he and I only met at a Inn and got drunk and you can guess the rest." Giniana said lying throu her teeth. "Oh well then your daughter is quite skilled in the schools of Illusion and Conjuration I sense she could possibly be the best with training but I can sense she's part Mer so tell me what mer did you have a child with?" The elderly man said now staring Giniana down with some distain. "That is none of your business." Giniana said as she left the hall and quickly grabbed Kanaya and went back to the temple.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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