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"Why did you let them get so drunk? It's only 3 pm" I complained.
"Sorry! I went to talk to the owner for like 10 minutes and when I came back they were just fucked" Mikey said.
"Y/N I got you your beer" Ray said.
"Thanks fro"
"I'm not gonna drink, one of us has to drive after all" Mikey said. "How far is your house?"
"It's like a 5 minute drive, it's (insert address), we can go there after the party"
"Oh good"
I popped open my beer and took a sip.
Frank was clinging onto my leg like a child and Gerard was... I don't really know but he flirted with me a couple times before falling asleep next to Mikey.
"Man, he hasn't been sleeping well so I knew he'd pass out after a couple beers. Poor guy" he said.
Frank was staring into nothingness and Ray was laughing at his face.

After about 6 hours and a couple more beers we decided to go to my house.
I helped Mikey get Gerard in the back seat of his car and sat next to him.
I was fairly drunk too so I don't remember much, all I know is that Frank was literally acting like a child and Gerard was talking in his sleep, something about someone never coming home.

"We're here" Mikey said, opening the car door.
"Let's get this fucks inside" Ray sighed.
I tried to stand up but everything went all wobbly and weird so I just fell.
"God Y/N, be careful" Ray grabbed my arm and helped me up.
"Y/N come baack" Frank whined.
"He's like a little child" Mikey said.
"He's basically my little brother, a family friend and my best bro" I said.

Frank scrambled out of the car by himself and grabbed onto my leg again.
"Jesus Christ Frank!" Ray said. "Calm down,
Y/N's not gonna disappear"

After we got everyone back inside Ray and Mikey flopped Gerard on the couch and I dragged Frank into his bed.

"I'm going home. Tell Gee to call me tomorrow so I can come get him" Mikey said to Ray as I grabbed one more beer from the fridge.
"Okay" Ray said.
I just drank the bottle in like 10 seconds and went to my room.

There was a knock on the door. "Hey uhm, there's nowhere else for me to sleep and your bed is the biggest so can we share?" Ray asked awkwardly.
"Fine whatever, do as you wish" I sighed.
I made space for him on the bed and turned to face the wall.
"Goodnight rain cloud"
"Night sunshine"

Ray's warmth made me relax and fall asleep faster.

I woke up to the feeling of someone grabbing my hand.
I looked back to see Ray, fast asleep but with a small frown curving his lips.
"I... I know... I'm not... perfect" he mumbled.
"Oh you are" I sighed quietly, brushing his hand with my thumb. "You're perfect"
He pulled me closer, pressing his face into the back of my neck.
"Rain cloud" he whispered. "I..."

Ray of Sunshine Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ