Chapter 1: Breakfast

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Your pov:

I had been living with the boys for about a year now and things have never been better!

Although it was weird being the only female in the house, I always loved hanging with the boys. Two always caught my eyes though, Tord and Tom...

Tord was kind of odd because of his hentai addiction, although he says he just "likes it a lot," I think he's just being silly. He also has an obsession with guns as well, and I had no clue why.

Tom was always very quiet, unless if he was fighting with with Tord or playing his guitar which he named, "Susan," then he could be loud. But other than that, I loved how he was so gentle when he would help me out with... Well... Practically anything!

My alarm clock went off and I hopped out of bed, walking out my bedroom door. But then I realized that I forgot to change into my actual clothes, so I went back and grabbed a (f/c) tank top, a black short skirt, and white thigh high stocking with pink bows on them.

I ran down the stairs and starting making some bacon, eggs, and cola pancakes, everyones favorite. Then I set the table while listening to the sizzling pan.

Edd walked in, "Hello (y/n)! Is that bacon, eggs, and cola pancakes?"

"You guessed it!" I said.

Edd was always such a great person, especially since he let me stay in his house since my parents kicked me out. But other than that, we had a lot in common! We both love bacon, cola, drawing, and cats!

"OH MY GOODNESS! GUYS, (Y/N) IS COOKING OUR FAVORITE BREAKFAST!" Matt said while sprinting in the room.

"Yeah, whatever.' Tom said while sluggishly walking in the kitchen.

"I knew I smelt bacon! (Y/n) you're so awesome. Hopefully Edd doesn't eat the last piece this time!" Tord said in a heavy norwegian accent. Ahhhh~ how you loved that accent of his.

"Hey! I didn't know it was the last piece that time!" Edd said.

"Ok boys, settle down. It's time to eat!" I said.

We all sat down and started talking when all of the sudden we hear a very dramatic guitar playing.

"Eduardooooo...." Edd said.

"What are you idiots doing? Eating trash?" Eduardo said from outside.

"HEY! MY COOKING IS NOT TRASH-" I said but Eduardo cut me off and said, "Look sweetheart, I'm trying to talk to the people who are wearing pants in this reltionship. Now run along."

Edd's pov:

(Y/n) looked like she was to lose it and walked out the door.

Next thing I knew, Eduardo was whimpering in pain.

Jon and Mark were there too, gasping because of what was happening...

Tord x reader x TomМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя