Five Nights at Mario's: Paper Lockdown

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Cover art is above as well! (Cover art may change) :D


?????'s POV:

*Phone rings* 


"Hello, hello?" 

*Clears throat* 

"Hello there! So, let me introduce myself - I am the current, but now former, full-time security guard! Heh, yeah, you don't have many people out there that can say they worked here."

 *Rustling paper* 

"Before you can officially start, I gotta give you the lecture." 

*More rustling, clears throat again* 

"Welcome to one of many Super Mario's Pizzaria, based on the hit video game characters from Super Mario Bros." 


"Here at Super Mario's, food, fun, and above all, safety, are our number one priorities! Super Mario's Pizzaria is not responsible for anyone's safety upon entering this establishment. Any and all death or injuries that occur within the structure will be handled accordingly, blah blah blah."

*Paper crumpling up*

"So, yeah! That's the company's thing, so now let me give you mine. All of the animatronics tend to get a bit... er... 'quirky', I guess you'd say." 

*Nervous laughter*

"The thing is, most of the Pizzaria's aren't like this one, yeah, this one is the MEGA Pizzaplex, and there are some pretty special animatronics in it, too. Yeah, these guys are more based on the game called 'Super Paper Mario', from what I've been told at least." 


"Heh, yeah, but I'm gonna be sending you some special tapes concerning all of the animatronics you might encounter here. They're all a bit 'salty' come nighttime. Y'know, having to entertain all the kids - and sometimes adults - all day? I don't blame them all too much, but they tend to get a bit... violent. J-just make sure that you have your flashlight on you, be careful with the animatronics, and stay safe. I just want to stress that most security guards, especially the night shift, let alone FULL shift makes it very far. N-not that I'm saying anyone has DIED, no, that's not what I said." 

*More nervous laughter*

"This place has a track record of... incidents occurring. Around here we have quite a bit of signs hanging around telling people not to go anywhere near any vacant suits lacking an endoskeleton. Yeah, it's amazing how long someone can live after being stuffed in an animatronic suit..." 

*Clears throat*

"On that note, two things, don't try to go in any of the suits - I have a separate instruction tape on that - and the animatronics might see you and think that you're an endoskeleton without a suit on. So, just don't let them catch you, alright?" 

*Laughs again* 

"Yup, they don't tell you this stuff when you sign up for the job. Nope, heheh... Oh, and check those cameras when you can! Also, be sure to keep the music box in the back wound up! Supposedly they decommissioned that animatronic, but they keep telling us to keep it wound up, so, some mixed messages with that..." 

*Pauses and then clears throat*

"Anyways, enough of my ramblings! First day should be pretty easy for you! The next tape should be available tomorrow, so chat with you then. Remember: Cameras, flashlight, music box, stay safe, and have fun with it, y'know? Good luck!" 


I pushed the button to stop the tape and let it eject, taking it out and placing it on the desk. With a sigh and a smile and put my long white hair up with a hair tie and put on my official security baseball cap.

"Don't worry, I knew exactly what I was getting into when signing up for this job. But I don't plan on staying for more than a week," I stated confidently. "Although, I have been enjoying these tapes! Hehe!"

I picked up my security badge labeled "Tippi" and fastened it to my vest before I started out of my new office.

It was now 6 AM, opening time.

Story Sneak Peeks! :D (One-Shot Previews)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora