She laughs. "Well, can we go now?"

"I guess."

We walk out of Starbucks to our cars. Since Hannah is taking Jenna, I'm going to follow her to the hospital. I wouldn't want to intrude when they're driving home.

I find a decent radio station and follow her to the hospital.

Twenty minutes later, we pull into the hospital parking lot. We park as close as we can to each other and walk through the front doors.

"Jenna Stredge, please," Hannah asks the lady at the front desk.

(Stredge pronounced *strej*)

The lady types a few things on her computer before speaking. "Room 269. Just tell the nurse in there that you're going to take her home and she should be good."

"Ok, thanks."

We go to the elevator and press the up button. It takes a few minutes before it finally gets on our floor. A couple families walk out before it's empty.

"Do you know what floor room 269 is on?" Hannah asks me.

"No idea."

She sighs and presses for the second floor. "Hopefully this is right."

When we get on the second floor, Hannah asks a nurse if room 269 is on this floor. It is, but it's a while away. We begin the walk to Jenna's room.

"So, how have things been with you and Jason?" Hannah asks.

"Good," I answer.

She stops and gives me a look. "You have been seeing him almost every day, and if not, texting him non-stop. 'Good' is too short an explanation."

"Ok, ok." I raise my hands in surrender. "Well, it's been amazing. I don't know how else to put it."

"Well, if you can't find your words, then it must be pretty darn good."

I laugh. We keep walking while talking about college. Hannah got accepted to a college in Illinois, only about 2 1/2 hours away from my college. Like Jason and I, we've been planning when to see each other and we've promised to email each other every day at a minimum. We'll still text, but who knows what things will be like once we get to college.

We keep walking and I suddenly run right into someone.

"Sorry," I say. I look up and see Tanner's face. "Tanner? What are you doing here?"

He looks around before answering my question. "My uncle," is all he says. Knowing Tanner, he probably won't say more.

"Oh," I say. "I'm sorry."

He puts a right grin on his face. "It's ok."

"I've gotta....."

"Oh, right," he says. "Um, bye."

"Bye," I say quickly. I turn around and see Hannah's eyebrows raised.

"He's a coworker! Nothing like that! Ew!" I exclaim.

"Mm-hm," Hannah murmurs.

"Do you think I would do that to Jason?" I ask her with a stern look on my face. She shrugs and keeps walking.

Eventually, we're standing in front of Jenna's door. Hannah hesitates before she opens the door.

"Hey Jenna," she says.

I look around Hannah to see Jenna in a hospital bed. She has a sling around her arm and a knee brace, not to mention some scratches here and there. She looks way better than what Hannah described a couple days after the crash.

"Hi Hannah," she says. Her voice cracks only barely when she speaks. "Oh, hi Macy!"

"Hey Jenna!" I smile at her. "How you feeling?"

"Good," she says. "Um, I just have to change, but that's a little difficult. Hannah, could you...."

"Oh, yeah," Hannah says. "Just a minute, Macy." Jenna grabs her clothes in one hand, but Hannah quickly grabs them.

"I got this," she insists.

Jenna shrugs and follows her into the bathroom to change. I walk over and sit down on the bed and wait.

A few minutes later, after a few muffled voices coming from the bathroom, they finally come out and Jenna is out of her hospital gown. I just now notice the small limp Jenna has when she walks.

"Ready?" Hannah asks me.


We go out of the room and begin the walk to the elevator. We tell the lady at the front counter that we're ready to go. She clicks a few things and confirms that Jenna is free to go.

We walk outside and go to our cars. Jenna goes home with Hannah, and I'm following shortly behind them.


So glad I've finally finished this chapter. Sorry I haven't written a lot. I've been busy with soccer and I've been distracted by other books I've been reading on here.

I think I'm just going to update once a week. Maybe twice. I don't know. There's no certain day I'll update.

I hope this chapter was ok. This one isn't one of my favorites even though something happy happened. I guess it's just writer's block.

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