Ch 13 I may have killed a guy

Start from the beginning

Is that jealousy I sense?

I am going to cherish this moment, My sister the great Kriti Malhotra felt jealous of me, only for a minute. Regardless That's something unusual.

"You and Kriti are so different " Arjun said.

"I know right " I and Kriti exclaimed in unison .

I know she's my fan but that doesn't mean she takes away my lines. Can't she have dialogues of her own?

"Anyway, Welcome to the squad Kyra" Veer said.

"Thank you Veer " I replied .

Kriti cleared her throat when I said that.

What's bothering her so much ? Other than the fact that her handsome best friend is being friendly to me.

Keyword : Friendly not handsome

"We are here to monitor them Veer " Kriti said sternly .

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding Kriti " Veer said .

"So Kyra, next time you're not playing Ludo with Shan during class hours" Veer said

"But Veer..." I protested.

"You're playing Ludo with me during the break, Is that clear ?" He asked .

"Yeah ok sure,cool " I said excitedly

Did I just use 4 words which mean yes in a single sentence ?

Calm your hormones down Kyra. What is he going to think of you?

"So Kyra, why are you here ?" Arjun asked .

"I was playing Ludo with Shan in Mrs. Shenoy's class and she got really furious about it " I said.

"Maybe she has a crush on Shantanu, and so she got jealous and pushed you both out"

"What?No? Thats not-"

This guy doesnt understand sarcasm.

"Waise, who won ?" Manav asked .

" I did, Give it up for the Ludo Queen everyone " I said .

"Wooo" Arjun cheered for me .

"You didn't win the Olympics" Kriti said .

"Give it up for the Ludo Queen "she said mimicking me .

I must tell you my sister has got terrible mimicry skills.

"Kriti, why are you being so harsh?" Veer asked .

" Poor me " I said making a puppy face .

"Aww Kyra, It's okay" Veer said .

"Don't aww at her " Kriti said. "She's not as innocent as she seems"

" Kriti , why are you being so harsh to me ?" I said quoting Veer .

"Enough Kyra. Not everything is a joke . Write an imposition now " Kriti ordered .

I don't like that bossy attitude of hers .

"Shan , you too " she said politely .

This is so unfair . She's nice to her best friend ,makes sense . Why is she being nice to my best friend ?

Everyone were busy cracking jokes when I saw a lonely Jai sitting in the corner .

I went and sit beside him.

"Hey Jai " I said .

"Hi Kyra " he said gloomy .

"Wassup ?" I asked him .

"Nothing much . What about you ?" I asked him .

I pointed to the imposition I was writing .

"Poor you !" He said .

"I know right, Poor me !" I said .

Jai wasn't his usual self today . I always saw him hanging out with the group cheerfully .

"Are you fine ?" I asked him .

" Ya,I mean... It's just a regular fight with my girlfriend but otherwise everything is good, why do you ask?" He asked .

"You don't seem to be " I said .

"Thanks for your concern Kyra " he said .

"Is there anything I can do for you ?" I asked him .

"Ya, Maybe, If you don't mind please refill my bottle ?" He asked .

Refill the bottle? Weirdo!

"Ya sure " I said.

I went to the filter which was in a corner and refilled the bottle .

" Here " I hand over his bottle to him.

"Thanks Kyra "he said .

"You're welcome dude " I said and stood up from my seat .

I started walking when I heard Jai panting terribly . His skin got pale .

"Guys" I exclaimed .

Everyone ran towards me.They realized what was happening .

"What happened Kyra?" Kriti asked me .

"Di, I just refilled his bottle and since then he's behaving this way . I swear I didn't do anything " I said tears flowing down my cheeks .

Jai's condition was getting worse. Meera quickly called for an ambulance . Manav went down to call Rajbir sir .

I was shivering and crying terribly .

"Di, Maine kuch nahi Kiya hai . Believe me " I said .

"I know, everything's going to get alright" she assured by hugging me .

The sirens sound was heard all over the campus . The ambulance arrived within no time .

A doctor checked Jai's pulse and then walked upto Rajbir sir . He discussed something with him and walked away .

Rajbir sir walked upto us and put a hand on Veer's shoulder

"I am sorry , we couldn't save him Jai is dead " he declared .

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