~Morning hugs~

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The sound of my 6:00 am alarm rang through my ears. I lazily opened my eyes to see the bright light from the sun shining through the gap in the curtains. The loud shouting from the one and only Madge Harvey shouting from the bottom of the stars for her cigs and lighter. I got out of my warm cozy bed to stand in the cold clean flour making me seize up. With seconds I quickly ran to the door of the bedroom to be tackled to the ground in hug by Michael. Michael has been my best frime since I can remember my mum and Janice have been friends since school which is a VERY LONG TIME.
"MICHAEEELLL WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I said with tiredness lingering in my voice.
"Morning to you to SOPHIE .Get dressed we're going to the airport in half an hour" he said as he slung his arm over my shoulder.
" k let me get dressed and I'll meet you down stairs" I lent my head on his shoulder before I walked of to the bathroom if the Garvey house that I have been in many times. I washed my face did I light amount of make up as it's yo early for that, I put my jumper on which in reality was not mine just another one I stole from michaels wardrobe.

Slipping on my shoes grabbing my bags on the way I walked down the stairs to be greeted by Janice, Janice have been like a second mother to me and I thank her for it.
" hiya Sophie how did y'a sleep?" Janice loudly said over micks and Madge arguments over anything but everything.
"I slept well thank you almost forgot that we were going on holiday until this one decided to tackle me to the ground" I said while pointing to the boy sat next to me.
" I did say I was sorry, just excited for you to go on holiday with us. For how long we have been friends and we have never been in holiday together is very confusing" said Michael walking around the packed living room for his charger. I ran up the stairs and ran into his bed room and unplugged his charger he had used last night and ran back down to give it him.

" hehe what would you do without Sophie ay, you'd end up loosing your brain without her hey boy" said mick .
"Right come on the taxis here we better get putting the luggage in if we want to even step foot in the airport" said mrs garvey picking up my luggage along with hers.
"Janice you don't need to do that I have two perfectly good arms as you can see" I said taking it if her to place it in the boot of the car at the front of the house, got in the car along with Michael and shared my headphones listening to uptown girls slowly drifting if yo sleep resting my head on his slim shoulder with his head resting on mine.

" Oh how cute look at them two" I could bearly hear the words come out of micks mouth before I fell asleep dreaming of what this holiday is going to be like.

Authors point
Hiya sorry for the short introduction to the storyand back story btw this story will not go completely of the what actually happens but will be a mixture of differnt series but hopping you are enjoying the story!!! :) can't wait to see what happens next

I see you from a different point of view ! A Michael Garvey fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now