Ich war leicht depri

14 3 2

Jaaaa.... folgende, perfekt denglische Worte sind gestern Nacht zu mir gekommen, als ich grad leicht depri war.

I know they think that is weird,
I know they think that is strange,
I know they think "what's going on, that's not normal!". I know that!
I know Emma and Marie think this is just a joke and doesn't exists. I know Marlen maybe thinks it's just a phase and I know Sofia thinks "Wait what, she's what?"! Sofia is fine! Really, she's nice and all, she calls me Will, she cares 'bout my pronouns! But I know it's completely weird for her! And Martha. Don't know, I just think they think different about me now. Why? I am not a different person, I'm me. I'm Will. I have always been Will. And no one ever asked for my pronouns before, that wasn't even an option. Once, while playing "truth or dare" I asked for Emma's pronouns and she was totally confused, like "Huh? Of course I'm cis! Of course, it's not like there are different genders.".
I hated that!
I feel different 'cause they think different. Stupid, I know. But I want to stay at home forever.

Ich hab des übrigens in mein Tagebuch geschrieben, deshalb isses auf Englisch. Wir haben heut übrigens zwei Exen geschrieben, niemand hat mehr Bock auf Schule.

Wie auch immer,

Cheerio, ein Burrito 🌯

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