Platform 9 ¾ and the train ride

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~Platform 9 ¾~

As the Hogwarts Express Bleats its horn, we crane over the milling horde of students. Parents hurry their children onboard, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... and Mrs. Weasley dashes through the throng and up to an open train window. Mrs. Weasely: "Ron!" She hands Scabbers through the open window to him.

~Train Car~

The aisle teems with students. Harry, Y/n, Ron, and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment. Harry: "I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... (troubled by the memory) ... lost control." Y/n: "It's fine, remember what I did." Ron: "Brilliant!" Hermione: "Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry's lucky he wasn't expelled." Ron: "I still think it was brilliant." Y/n: "He wasn't going to be expelled. I made everyone in Great Brittan two hours late." Ron: "That was you?!" Y/n: "I was six!" SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A copy of The Monster Book of Monsters scuttles crab-like down the aisle, pursued by Neville Longbottom. Neville: "Hi,Harry. Ron. Hermione." Y/n grabs the book and calms it down. Y/n: "Here." Neville: "Thank you." Y/n: "Y/n." Harry/Hermione/Ron: "Hi, Neville." As he bumps past, Hermione nods to a compartment. Hermione: "C'mon. We're in here." Harry: "Sit with us?" Y/n: "Gladly."

~A random Train Compartment~

Tom: "Where's Y/n?" Draco: "I don't care." Blaise: "Who's Y/n?" Pansy: "Yeah?" Draco: "No one important." Tom: "That's my future wife." Draco: "She's not going to fall in love with you." Tom: "You don't know that."

~Back with Y/n~

As they slip inside, they find a man in shabby robes slumped against the window, asleep. Regulus: "Shout mooney." Y/n: "Why the hell would I call him Profesoor Mooney?" He looks ill, exhausted. The trio eyes him warily. Whisper. Ron: "Who d'you reckon he is?" Y/n: "Hey, Lupin." Hermione: "Professor R.J. Lupin." Y/n: "Remus Lupin. I've ran into him a few times." Ron: "You know everything. How is it she knows everything?" Hermione: "It's on his case." She points. Stamped in peeling letters on a battered case is "Professor R.J. Lupin." Harry: "Is he really asleep?" Hermione: "Seems to be. Why? What is it, Harry?" Harry: "Close the door." Hermione and Ron exchange a curious glance, then Ron rises, and slides the door shut.


Storm clouds, like dark ghosts, toss sheets of rain onto the scarlet engine as it heads north. Y/n: "Oh, shit..." Ron and Hermione stared at Harry, faces stricken in the lantern light that now glows in the compartment. Crookshanks slumbers in his cage. Ron: "Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?" Harry: "Yes." Y/n: "It's the rat." Ron: "What?" Y/n: "I bet you it's the rat he's after." Ron: "Whose rat?" Y/n: "Your rat! What other rat would I be talking about?" Hermione: "But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean... eventually?" Ron: "Sure -- Of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving, murderous lunatic..." Just then, the compartment rattles. Lanterns flicker. Archer: "That's not what I think it is, right?" Y/n: "It's exactly what you think it is. Everyone to a seat!" The train lurches and begins to slow. Hermione slides down the seat, pinning Ron against the window. They exchange an awkward glance, then Hermione carefully slides to the other end of the seat and glances at her watch. Frowns. Hermione: "Why're we stopping? We can't be there yet..." Harry rises, slides open the door, and peers into the corridor. Y/n: "Close those doors! Dementors are boarding."

Harry's POV

All along the carriage, heads look out curiously. Then -- the train jerks-- the car sways-- and the lamps running along with the ceiling flicker and die. One by one. Until all is dark. Y/n walks behind Harry. Y/n: "Go back to your seats. It's best to ignore them for now." Ron: "What's going on?" A thin wisp of steam escapes Ron's mouth. Harry notices. Harry: "Dunno... Maybe we've broken down?" Hermione: "Ouch! Ron, that was my foot!" A squeaking sound is heard. Ron, a dark silhouette against the window, wipes a patch of condensation from the window. Ron: "There's something moving out there. I think... people are coming aboard." Y/n pulls out her wand. Harry: "What are you doing?" Y/n: "Archer move the kids." Archer manages to pull Hermione and Ron off to the side. Suddenly the car sways violently... rights itself. The metal window trim at Ron's fingertips begins to vibrate. Ron: "Bloody hell. What's happening?" SST! A soft crackling fills the car and flames bloom... in the hands of R.J. Lupin. In the shivering light, his face looks tired and gray, but his eyes are alert. Wary. Lupin and Y/n exchange looks. Y/n nods her head in confirmation. Professor Lupin: "Don't. Move." A hand -- slimy and scabbed -- a hand of death -- grips the half-open compartment door and pushes it aside. It reveals a towering, cloaked figure, its face hidden beneath its black hood. Crookshanks' hair rises and as she hisses. Archer whines after he shifted into his kelpies form. WHOOSHHHHH. The folds of the hood tremble. A chill, rattling intake of air is heard. The flames in Lupin's hands sputter. A sound swells in Harry's ears. Eerie. Painful. The sound of a woman screaming. Harry's eyes roll up, eyelids fluttering. Y/n: "Expecto Patronum!" And then... a silvery-white light drifts from his mouth. The world spins off its axis and Harry falls... glasses tumbling hard to the ground... then Harry... the muscles of his jaw twitching. Thunder cracks. Lightning paints the icy windows... WHITE. BLACK. WHITE. BLACK... With a desperate gasp, Harry opens his eyes. Blinks. Dusk is gone. The windows are black. The floor at his spine is shaking gently. The train moving again. His eyes shift, and sees a drop of water, newly unfrozen, running slowly down the window. Y/n: "Mr. Potter, are you okay?" Hermione: "Harry? Harry, are you all right?" Hermione's troubled face hovers above him. He nods. Sits up. Ron -- pale, nervous -- extends his hand. Harry's glasses. Harry: "Thanks." Harry slips them on. Discovers the cold sweat glazing his brow. SNAP! Professor Lupin breaks a ragged triangle of chocolate off the slab in his hands. Holds it out. Professor Lupin: "Chocolate. Eat. It'll help." Harry: "What was that -- that thing?" Y/n: "A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It's here for Si." Lupin: "Si? He lest's you call him Si?" Y/n: "Normally it's Uncle Si (Pronnounced Sigh)." Harry frowns in confusion. Hermione: "It was searching the train, Harry. For Sirius Black." Professor Lupin: "I need to have a word with the driver. Excuse me. (the chocolate) Eat. It'll help." As he leaves, Harry turns to Ron and Hermione. Harry: "What happened to me?" Ron: "Well, you sort of went... rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Harry: "And did either of you? You know... pass out?" Ron: "No. I felt... weird. Like I'd never be cheerful again. But... no." Harry turns to Hermione. She shakes her head. Hermione: "I was trembling. Cold. But then... Professor Lupin made it go away..." Harry: "But someone was screaming. A woman." Hermione and Ron glance nervously at each other. Hermione: "No one was screaming, Harry." Y/n: "That was your mother, Harry. The night she died." Harry: "Why?" Y/n: "Dementors – tall, black-cloaked figures with rotten, skeletal hands; they have the ability to suck a person's soul out through their mouths, and they drain feelings of happiness and joy; employed as the guards of the wizard prison Azkaban; can only be repelled by the Patronus Charm. They only leave the bad memories." Harry looks to the window.

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