Chapter 1

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thought it was important to point out that jennie has green eyes in this story :) enjoy!

"Dude, I swear. I've totally had sex with her," Rosé whispered, readjusting the ice pack held to the side of her head.

"You've said that before, and every time, you've got the wrong person. A lot of people live in Anchorage; you sure she doesn't just look like someone else?" Lisa scoffed, moving her hands behind her head on the hospital bed. She glanced down at the gash on her shin and the blood that had dried around it, making it look a lot worse than it really was.

The E.R. in Anchorage General wasn't full, but it was busy enough for the doctors, nurses, and interns to be running around, caring for patients. Lisa was just glad that they'd had enough people on hand to rush the guy she and Rosé had rescued from a house fire into surgery.

She'd grown up in Anchorage, so this E.R. was familiar. It was where she'd come when she'd broken her arm in seventh grade. It was where she'd had her appendix removed right before her freshman year of high school.

It was where she'd woken up the summer before senior year, where her dad had broken the news, where her life had taken a sharp turn.

The beds were different now, and the doctors wore darker blue scrubs than they had when she was a kid, but it was still the same. It smelled just like it had back then, and a couple of the older nurses and doctors still looked at her the same way they had when she was seventeen and screaming.

"She's got ink on her ribcage. Some deep, philosophical shit in German," Rosé continued, recapturing Lisa's attention. She winced as she craned her neck to catch sight of the dark-haired E.R. doctor, feeling the pain in her head multiply. "She said something like she was new to the area. I swear that's her."

"Oh, let me just ask her to lift up her shirt then," Lisa snorted, glancing at the doctor Rosé was claiming to have had sex with.

"From what I remember, it takes three beers and some sweet-talking for that to work with her," Rosé grinned.

"I think I'll let you do that," Lisa sighed, taking a deep breath in and feeling her ribs ache. "You haven't changed at all since college."

Lisa let her eyes flit across the room, only stopping when her eyes landed on another doctor in the corner of the room who was putting a dislocated shoulder back in place. She had dislocated her shoulder before. She'd popped a couple of people's shoulders back into place herself in emergency situations. It wasn't anything new, and the scream that the patient let out didn't startle her. Nothing really startled her anymore; nothing had for a long time.

But it was the doctor's bright green eyes that stunned her the most. It was the way they met her own for a brief moment and sent her heart racing that scared her. It was the way Lisa wanted her to look again that had her stomach churning.

"Think Bryce is gonna pull through?" Rosé asked, looking over at Lisa and noticing her attention was elsewhere. She shuffled around on the hospital bed she sat on, managing to catch sight of the person who'd captivated her friend's attention. A sly smirk made its way onto Rosé's face when she noticed the gorgeous doctor Lisa was all but drooling over. "Fuck Bryce. You know her, Lis?" Rosé asked.

"What?" Lisa murmured, "Oh, no. I don't."

"I thought you knew every eligible bachelorette in town," Rosé smirked. "You're a bonafide, homegrown heartbreaker."

"She's definitely not from here," Lisa mumbled. "And who says she's a bachelorette?"

"No ring," Rosé pointed out, gesturing at the doctor's left hand.

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